If life is a gift
Jean-Baptiste Destremau, Grégoire Lacroix, Luis de Miranda, Isabelle Guilloteau, Yvan Gradis, Estelle Gille, Laurent Schang, Mathieu Diebler, Paul-Henri Sauvage, Olivier Talon, Bruno Deniel-Laurent, Anne-Ségolène Estay, Mathilde Tixier
A young woman can only make love when someone reads to her Hegel's Philosophy of the Spirit, while another gradually transfers all her affection to her shrimp farming... A photographer engages in a complete mapping of bodies... A family takes a stranger on a visit to a great uncle who lives in a strangely empty house... A lost soul refuses to dine in front of a man she has just met – why she suddenly began to sing the childish air of If life is a gift?...
The author
128 pages | ISBN: 9782315001378