Doctors: acquittal or condemnation?

Céline Halpern, Laurent Delprat

18,00 €
Here is a fascinating and exhaustive overview of the case law concerning disputes between doctors and patients. A rigorous and unpublished collection of legal cases feeding the most recent medical law. No area has escaped the authors' concern for completeness: gynecology, abortion, non-assistance to a person in danger, emergencies, cosmetic surgery, nosocomial infections, convenience care, psychiatry, transplants, refusal of care, etc. An example ? “A case concerns the operation of a woman by caesarean section in the operating room during which a nurse, having taken out a heat disinfection system and poured ether on it to go faster, set fire to the operating room. . All of the medical staff leaves the establishment, leaving the patient on the operating table..." Access to care and scientific progress helping, the doctor has recently fallen from his pedestal: contemporary developments mark the passage of from medical paternalism to critical consumerism.
The author

Céline Halpern is a lawyer at the Paris Bar. A graduate in medical law, she pleads important public health cases. She regularly hosts specialized colloquia and writes columns in national journals. She is the author of numerous articles on medical and health law. Laurent Delprat holds a doctorate in private law and criminal sciences and teaches at the Faculty of Law. Independently of a thesis on The Penalization of the French health system, he is the author of numerous works in Medical and health law.

288 pages | ISBN: 9782914388924