For truth and justice
François Mattéï, Laurent Gbagbo
Ousted from power manu militari by the French army on April 11, 2011, following the disputed presidential election of November 2010 in Côte d'Ivoire, Laurent Gbagbo was accused of crimes against humanity before the International Criminal Court. (CPI) of The Hague on December 5, 2011. This book, written from 2012, thanks to numerous visits and interviews in prison, is the only one to have been produced with the participation of the Ivorian president during his incarceration and his trial. . This unique testimony appears more than ever as a document for history, because it sheds light on the manipulations of the 2010 ballot, the collusion between Nicolas Sarkozy's France and the ICC to get rid of Laurent Gbagbo, up to the montages and delaying maneuvers that have tainted "the Gbagbogate". On the occasion of new meetings with François Mattei, Laurent Gbagbo looks back on his seven years in prison, gives the meaning and reveals his vision of the future. That, whatever happens, of a free man.
The author
304 pages | ISBN: 9782315008735