The money of our presidents:

De Gaulle, Pompidou, Giscard d'Estaing, Mitterrand, Chirac, Sarkozy

Jean-Marc Philibert

19,90 €
Money… a subject even more taboo than sex in our Republic. Especially when it comes to that of our heads of state. But our presidents are rich, very rich… Do they owe it to their social origin or to their personal fortune? Did they take advantage of state largesse to line their pockets? What is their heritage made up of once they leave the Élysée? Because the relationship to money reveals more than anything the personality of men, it was time to take an interest in the portfolio of those who govern us. Between the contempt displayed by General de Gaulle for questions of “stewardship” and the “bling-bling” culture of Nicolas Sarkozy, the differences in style explode and collide. But to capture salaries, electoral allowances or remunerative copyrights, the methods are always the same. For the first time, a precise investigation lifts the veil, bringing many revelations about our Presidents of the Republic.
The author

Jean-Marc Philibert, 38, is a journalist and investigator. He notably worked in the editorial staff of Le Figaro until 2008.

320 pages | ISBN: 9782353410460