The unremovable plant

A short explosive history of French nuclear power (from Brennilis to the present day)

Claude-Marie Vadrot

14,90 €
Once upon a time there was the incredible story of the Brennilis power station. Built in Brittany in 1962, it only really worked for two years. 30 years later, its dismantling is still not complete. Too expensive, too dangerous, the case of Brennilis is the symbol of the French nuclear impasse. From Georges Pompidou to Nicolas Sarkozy, what pressures have the nucleocrats exerted on power to make France both the paradise and the hell of power plants? Who are these men who made all-nuclear history and what are they up to, one year after the Fukushima disaster? How do 50 years of idealism and blindness continue to impose the law of secrecy on the risks of power plants and the dead ends of dismantling plans? Civil nuclear specialist since Chernobyl, long forbidden to visit power plants by EDF, pioneer of ecological movements, Claude-Marie Vadrot tells us in detail the true history of French nuclear power. For the author, it is obvious: we must focus on the development of renewable energies.
The author

Claude-Marie Vadrot is a journalist. After working for 20 years at the Journal du Dimanche, he now contributes to the weekly Politis and to Médiapart. Among other things, a specialist in ecology and nature protection issues, he has published: Wars and the Environment (Delachaux and Niestlé, 2005), Ecological Horror (Delachaux and Niestlé, 2007) and Endangered Species! Survey on biodiversity in France (Carnets de l'info, 2007).

288 pages | ISBN: 9782315003495