Understanding Foucault

Jean-Clet Martin, Laura Acquaviva

12,00 €
Michel Foucault through his writings announces not only that God is dead, but that man is also dying. He questions objects deemed unworthy that have never been taken into account by philosophy. This is the case of crime, madness, sexuality, the excesses of literature and evil. It offers an extraordinary story. Instead of understanding our societies by what they exhibit, Foucault insists on what they hide in order to discover a new image, another photograph of our values. This small essay allows us to apprehend a complex thinker and a philosophy which demolishes with hammer blows the idols of modernity.
The author

Jean-Clet Martin is a philosopher and novelist. A specialist in Derrida and Deleuze, he was program director at the International College of Philosophy from 1998 to 2004. Laura Acquaviva regularly collaborates in artistic projects abroad where she exhibits (Japan, Australia, Spain, etc.).

144 pages | ISBN: 9782315006090