Archeologies of the Future Volume 1

The desire called utopia

Fredric Jameson

25,00 €
What type of humanity would suit a society radically different from ours? Do we need to invent a new concept of man? But who still believes in utopia? Discredited by the "totalitarian" shipwreck, despised by left and right alike, eclipsed by "pragmatic" that is to say neo-liberal policies, and forgotten by an anti-globalization movement which, on the whole, would be satisfied with a fairer and more egalitarian arrangement of the globalized capitalist system, utopia seems well and truly dead. Fredric Jameson does not offer us an additional utopia. On the contrary, this book invites us to reconsider utopia as a thought (and practice) of radical difference. Spatial difference, on the one hand - from Thomas More's inaugural gesture, utopia was defined as a separate world obeying its own laws. Temporal difference, on the other hand - the establishment of a utopian society constituting the negation of human history. Jameson dares to look in science fiction for clues to a thought of radical Otherness: Philip K, Dick, HG Wells, Ursula Le Guin or William Gibson are among others summoned. The so-called anticipatory literature has indeed often wondered how one could live in a realized utopia, in other words in a world where there would be nothing more to hope for than the eternal perpetuation of the Same. This major work finally confronts us with the bankruptcy of our political imagination. For forgetting utopia has a price: resignation to “the world as it is”.
The author

Fredric Jameson, born in 1934, is a professor at Duke University. He is known throughout the world for his analyzes of postmodernism and the colonization of the cultural sphere by capitalism.

400 pages | ISBN: 9782353410200