State Raiders
“We can never say it enough, not all parliamentarians are rotten. It is even a minority of them, but it is clear that they benefit from the complicit leniency of the majority of their colleagues. “Philippe Pascot rubbed shoulders with elected officials of all stripes for nearly 25 years. In this book, he lists the legal abuses into which the French political class falls: exorbitant salary, tax exemption, cozy retirement, cumulation, fictitious jobs, declarations of interests and bogus activities and so many other small arrangements between friends. . Behind a declared desire for transparency and "moralization" of the political sphere, our elected officials pursue their own interests through increasingly incomprehensible laws, when we, ordinary citizens, have to tighten our belts. Without bias, the author reports on this state plunder and the system that allows it.
The author
320 pages | ISBN: 9782315006366