The loudest chords

Thomas Porcher, Frédéric Farah

6,90 €
Today in Brussels and in the United States, the signing of a treaty is being played out which risks radically changing the lives of hundreds of millions of American and European citizens. His name, TAFTA. Its goal is to lower trade barriers – especially standards – between our two continents as much as possible to facilitate trade. Negotiations have already begun and relate to regulations concerning the whole of our lives (food, health, social rights, etc.). However, they are done without us, without our elected officials, but with representatives of multinationals. This book presents the challenges of TAFTA and identifies the potential risks, so that citizens take ownership of these issues and demand a real democratic debate.
The author

Thomas Porcher holds a doctorate in economics from Panthéon-Sorbonne University, associate professor at ESG-MS and lecturer at Paris-Dauphine University. He is notably the author of the Mirage of shale gas (Max Milo, 2013). Frédéric Farah is a graduate of Sciences-po Paris, professor of economics and social sciences and lecturer at the University of Paris Sorbonne-Nouvelle. He contributed to the collective work Regards sur un XXIè siècle en mouvement (Ellipses, 2012).

64 pages | ISBN: 9782315006144

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