Pensions: move everything to change nothing

Didier Pène

15,00 €
The subject of retirement has become the test, the terminal examination of the career of our politicians. They invariably fail. No one understands the mechanisms of a system that suffers from heaviness, complexity, paradoxes and unpopularity. The usual discourse reinforces the ambient pessimism and catastrophism. To a riot of figures, reports, articles, books and debates, the author responds with a simple hypothesis: what if nothing had to be done? This book is distinguished by an all the more ferocious verve capable of challenging all received ideas.
The author

Didier Pène, a graduate of the University of Paris, the IEP of Paris and the University of Stanford, is currently a professor of finance at HEC. He has written several books and numerous articles on social and economic sciences. Already published by the same author: The dynamics of retirement - a threat to Europe (Economica 1997), Corporate valuation and the takeover (Economica 1990) and Corporate value and consolidation (Dalloz 1979).

160 pages | ISBN: 9782914388436