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926 – Steinberg, L., Lamborn, S.D., Dornbusch, S.M. and Darling, N. (1992) ‘Impact of Parenting Practices on Adolescent Achievement: Authoritative Parenting, School Involvement, and Encouragement to Succeed’. Child Development, 63(5), pp. 1266–1281.

927 – Querido, Jane G., Warner, Tamara D. and Eyberg, Sheila M. (2002) ‘Parenting Styles and Child Behavior in African American Families of Preschool Children’. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 31(2), pp. 272–277.

928 – Benchaya, Mariana C., Bisch, Nadia K., Moreira, Taís C. and Barros, Helena M. T. (2011) ‘Non-authoritative parents and impact on drug use: the perception of adolescent children’. Jornal de Pediatria, 0(0). [online] Available from: http://jped.com.br/conteudo/Ing_resumo.asp?varArtigo=2189&cod=&idSecao=1 (Accessed 5 September 2017)

929 – Luyckx, Koen, Tildesley, Elizabeth A., Soenens, Bart, Andrews, Judy A., et al. (2011) ‘Parenting and Trajectories of Children’s Maladaptive Behaviors: A 12-Year Prospective Community Study’. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 40(3), pp. 468–478.

930 – Choe, D. E., Olson, S.L. and Sameroff, A. J. (2013) ‘The interplay of externalizing problems and physical and inductive discipline during childhood’. Developmental Psychology, 19(11), pp. 2029–2039.

931 – Yamagata, Shinji, Takahashi, Yusuke, Ozaki, Koken, Fujisawa, Keiko K., et al. (2013) ‘Bidirectional influences between maternal parenting and children’s peer problems: a longitudinal monozygotic twin difference study’. Developmental Science, 16(2), pp. 249–259.

932 – Deković, Maja and Janssens, Jan M. (1992) ‘Parents’ child-rearing style and child’s sociometric status.’ Developmental Psychology, 28(5), pp. 925–932.

933 – Bednar, Dell Elaine and Fisher, Terri D. (2003) ‘Peer referencing in adolescent decision making as a function of perceived parenting style’. Adolescence, 38(152), pp. 607–621.

934 – Steinberg, Laurence (2001) ‘We Know Some Things: Parent-Adolescent Relationships in Retrospect and Prospect’. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 11(1), pp. 1–19.

935 – Pinquart, Martin (2017) ‘Associations of parenting dimensions and styles with externalizing problems of children and adolescents: An updated meta-analysis.’ Developmental Psychology, 53(5), pp. 873–932.

936 – Meins, Elizabeth, Fernyhough, Charles, Fradley, Emma and Tuckey, Michelle (2001) ‘Rethinking Maternal Sensitivity: Mothers’ Comments on Infants’ Mental Processes Predict Security of Attachment at 12 Months’. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 42(5), pp. 637–648.

937 – Easterbrooks, A. M., Biesecker, Gretchen and Lyons-Ruth, Karlen (2000) ‘Infancy predictors of emotional availability in middle childhood: the roles of attachment security and maternal depressive symptomatology’. Attachment & Human Development, 2(2), pp. 170–187.

938 – Kerns, Kathryn A., Abraham, Michelle M., Schlegelmilch, Andrew and Morgan, Theresa A. (2007) ‘Mother – child attachment in later middle childhood: Assessment approaches and associations with mood and emotion regulation’. Attachment & Human Development, 9(1), pp. 33–53.

939 – Davidov, Maayan and Grusec, Joan E. (2006) ‘Untangling the Links of Parental Responsiveness to Distress and Warmth to Child Outcomes’. Child Development, 77(1), pp. 44–58.

940 – Blair, C., Granger, D., Willoughby, M. and Kivlighan, K. (2006) ‘Maternal Sensitivity Is Related to Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Stress Reactivity and Regulation in Response to Emotion Challenge in 6-Month-Old Infants’. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1094(1), pp. 263–267.

941 – Wyman, Peter A., Cowen, Emory L., Work, William C. and Parker, Gayle R. (1991) ‘Developmental and family milieu correlates of resilience in urban children who have experienced major life stress’. American Journal of Community Psychology, 19(3), pp. 405–426.

942 – Kok, Bethany E., Coffey, Kimberly A., Cohn, Michael A., Catalino, Lahnna I., et al. (2013) ‘How Positive Emotions Build Physical Health: Perceived Positive Social Connections Account for the Upward Spiral Between Positive Emotions and Vagal Tone’. Psychological Science, 24(7), pp. 1123–1132.

943 – Van Zeijl, Jantien, Mesman, Judi, Van IJzendoorn, Marinus H., Bakermans-Kranenburg, Marian J., et al. (2006) ‘Attachment-based intervention for enhancing sensitive discipline in mothers of 1- to 3-year-old children at risk for externalizing behavior problems: A randomized controlled trial.’ Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 74(6), pp. 994–1005.

944 – Stattin, Håkan, Enebrink, Pia, Özdemir, Metin and Giannotta, Fabrizia (2015) ‘A national evaluation of parenting programs in Sweden: The short-term effects using an RCT effectiveness design.’ Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 83(6), pp. 1069–1084.

945 – Lewis-Morrarty, Erin, Degnan, Kathryn A., Chronis-Tuscano, Andrea, Pine, Daniel S., et al. (2015) ‘Infant Attachment Security and Early Childhood Behavioral Inhibition Interact to Predict Adolescent Social Anxiety Symptoms’. Child Development, 86(2), pp. 598–613.

946 – Havighurst, Sophie S., Wilson, Katherine R., Harley, Ann E., Kehoe, Christiane, et al. (2013) ‘“Tuning into Kids”: Reducing Young Children’s Behavior Problems Using an Emotion Coaching Parenting Program’. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 44(2), pp. 247–264.

947 – Crandell, Lisa E. and Hobson, R. Peter (1999) ‘Individual Differences in Young Children’s IQ: A Social-developmental Perspective’. The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 40(3), pp. 455–464.

948 – Moss, Ellen, Rousseau, Denise, Parent, Sophie, St-Laurent, Diane and Saintonge, Julie (2008) ‘Correlates of Attachment at School Age: Maternal Reported Stress, Mother-Child Interaction, and Behavior Problems’. Child Development, 69(5), pp. 1390–1405.

949 – Moss, Ellen and St-Laurent, Diane (2001) ‘Attachment at school age and academic performance.’ Developmental Psychology, 37(6), pp. 863–874.

950 – Landry, Susan H., Smith, Karen E. and Swank, Paul R. (2003) ‘The Importance of Parenting During Early Childhood for School-Age Development’. Developmental Neuropsychology, 24(2–3), pp. 559–591.

951 – Landry, Susan H., Smith, Karen E. and Swank, Paul R. (2006) ‘Responsive parenting: Establishing early foundations for social, communication, and independent problem-solving skills.’ Developmental Psychology, 42(4), pp. 627–642.

952 – Landry, Susan H., Smith, Karen E., Swank, Paul R. and Guttentag, Cathy (2008) ‘A responsive parenting intervention: The optimal timing across early childhood for impacting maternal behaviors and child outcomes.’ Developmental Psychology, 44(5), pp. 1335–1353.

953 – Ramsden, Sally R. and Hubbard, Julie A. (2002) ‘Family Expressiveness and Parental Emotion Coaching: Their Role in Children’s Emotion Regulation and Aggression’. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 30(6), pp. 657–667.

954 – Durrant, Joan E., Plateau, Dominique Pierre, Ateah, Christine, Stewart-Tufescu, Ashley, et al. (2014) ‘Preventing Punitive Violence: Preliminary Data on the Positive Discipline in Everyday Parenting (PDEP) Program’. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 33(2), pp. 109–125.

955 – Katz, Lynn Fainsilber and Windecker-Nelson, Bess (2004) ‘Parental Meta-Emotion Philosophy in Families with Conduct-Problem Children: Links with Peer Relations’. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 32(4), pp. 385–398.

956 – Dunsmore, Julie C., Booker, Jordan A. and Ollendick, Thomas H. (2013) ‘Parental Emotion Coaching and Child Emotion Regulation as Protective Factors for Children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder: Emotion Coaching with Children with ODD’. Social Development, 22(3), pp. 444–466.

957 – Greene, Ross W., Ablon, J. Stuart, Goring, Jennifer C., Raezer-Blakely, Lauren, et al. (2004) ‘Effectiveness of Collaborative Problem Solving in Affectively Dysregulated Children With Oppositional-Defiant Disorder: Initial Findings.’ Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 72(6), pp. 1157–1164.

958 – Meins, Elizabeth and Fernyhough, Charles (1999) ‘Linguistic Acquisitional Style and Mentalising Development’. Cognitive Development, 14(3), pp. 363–380.

959 – Dunn, Judy, Brown, Jane, Slomkowski, Cheryl, Tesla, Caroline and Youngblade, Lise (1991) ‘Young Children’s Understanding of Other People’s Feelings and Beliefs: Individual Differences and Their Antecedents’. Child Development, 62(6), pp. 1352–1366.

960 – Adrián, Juan E., Clemente, Rosa Ana and Villanueva, Lidón (2007) ‘Mothers? Use of Cognitive State Verbs in Picture-Book Reading and the Development of Children?s Understanding of Mind: A Longitudinal Study’. Child Development, 78(4), pp. 1052–1067.

961 – Taumoepeau, Mele and Ruffman, Ted (2008) ‘Stepping Stones to Others’ Minds: Maternal Talk Relates to Child Mental State Language and Emotion Understanding at 15, 24, and 33 Months’. Child Development, 79(2), pp. 284–302.

962 – Kamins, Melissa L. and Dweck, Carol S. (1999) ‘Person versus process praise and criticism: Implications for contingent self-worth and coping’. Developmental Psychology, pp. 835–847.

963 – Schmittmann, Verena D., Visser, Ingmar and Raijmakers, Maartje E.J. (2006) ‘Multiple learning modes in the development of performance on a rule-based category-learning task’. Neuropsychologia, 44(11), pp. 2079–2091.

964 – van Duijvenvoorde, A. C. K., Zanolie, K., Rombouts, S. A. R. B., Raijmakers, M. E. J. and Crone, E. A. (2008) ‘Evaluating the Negative or Valuing the Positive? Neural Mechanisms Supporting Feedback-Based Learning across Development’. Journal of Neuroscience, 28(38), pp. 9495–9503.

965 – Patrick, Renee B. and Gibbs, John C. (2016) ‘Maternal Acceptance: Its Contribution to Children’s Favorable Perceptions of Discipline and Moral Identity’. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 177(3), pp. 73–84.

966 – Krevans, Julia and Gibbs, John C. (1996) ‘Parents’ Use of Inductive Discipline: Relations to Children’s Empathy and Prosocial Behavior’. Child Development, 67(6), pp. 3263–3277.

967 – Knafo, A. and Plomin, R. (n.d.) ‘Parental discipline and affection and children’s prosocial behavior: Genetic and environmental links’. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 90(1), pp. 147–164.

968 – Arsenio, William and Ramos-Marcuse, Fatima (2014) ‘Children’s Moral Emotions, Narratives, and Aggression: Relations With Maternal Discipline and Support’. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 175(6), pp. 528–546.

969 – Kerr, David C. R., Lopez, Nestor L., Olson, Sheryl L. and Sameroff, Arnold J. (2004) ‘Parental Discipline and Externalizing Behavior Problems in Early Childhood: The Roles of Moral Regulation and Child Gender’. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 32(4), pp. 369–383.

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971 – Calafat, Amador, García, Fernando, Juan, Montse, Becoña, Elisardo and Fernández-Hermida, José Ramón (2014) ‘Which parenting style is more protective against adolescent substance use? Evidence within the European context’. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 138, pp. 185–192.

972 – Dornbusch, Sanford M., Ritter, Philip L., Leiderman, P. Herbert, Roberts, Donald F. and Fraleigh, Michael J. (1987) ‘The Relation of Parenting Style to Adolescent School Performance’. Child Development, 58(5), p. 1244.

973 – Steinberg, L., Elmen, J. D. and Mounts, N. S. (1989) ‘Authoritative parenting, psychosocial maturity, and academic success among adolescents’. Child Development, 60(6), pp. 1424–1436.

974 – Dweck, Carol (2017) Mindset: Changing The Way You think To Fulfil Your Potential, Hachette UK.

975 – Steinberg, L., Lamborn, S.D., Darling, N., Mounts, N.S. and Dornbusch, S.M. (1994) ‘Over-Time Changes in Adjustment and Competence among Adolescents from Authoritative, Authoritarian, Indulgent, and Neglectful Families’. Child Development, 65(3), pp. 754–770.

976 – Georgiou, Stelios N., Fousiani, Kyriaki, Michaelides, Michalis and Stavrinides, Panayiotis (2013) ‘Cultural value orientation and authoritarian parenting as parameters of bullying and victimization at school’. International Journal of Psychology, 48(1), pp. 69–78.

977 – Luk, Jeremy W., Patock-Peckham, Julie A., Medina, Mia, Terrell, Nathan, et al. (2016) ‘Bullying Perpetration and Victimization as Externalizing and Internalizing Pathways: A Retrospective Study Linking Parenting Styles and Self-Esteem to Depression, Alcohol Use, and Alcohol-Related Problems’. Substance Use & Misuse, 51(1), pp. 113–125.

978 – Chen, Xinyin, Dong, Qi and Zhou, Hong (1997) ‘Authoritative and Authoritarian Parenting Practices and Social and School Performance in Chinese Children’. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 21(4), pp. 855–873.

979 – Zhou, Qing, Eisenberg, Nancy, Wang, Yun and Reiser, Mark (2004) ‘Chinese Children’s Effortful Control and Dispositional Anger/Frustration: Relations to Parenting Styles and Children’s Social Functioning.’ Developmental Psychology, 40(3), pp. 352–366.

980 – Garcia, Fernando and Gracia, Enrique (2009) ‘Is always authoritative the optimum parenting style? Evidence from Spanish families’. Adolescence, 44(173), pp. 101–132.

981 – Gómez-Ortiz, Olga, Romera, Eva María and Ortega-Ruiz, Rosario (2016) ‘Parenting styles and bullying. The mediating role of parental psychological aggression and physical punishment’. Child Abuse & Neglect, 51, pp. 132–143.

982 – Janssens, Jan M.A.M. and Deković, Maja (1997) ‘Child Rearing, Prosocial Moral Reasoning, and Prosocial Behaviour’. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 20(3), pp. 509–527.

983 – Yin, Ping, Hou, Xiao, Qin, Qing, Deng, Wei, et al. (2016) ‘Genetic and Environmental Influences on the Mental Health of Children: A Twin Study’. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 54(8), pp. 29–34.

984 – Chang, Lei, Schwartz, David, Dodge, Kenneth A. and McBride-Chang, Catherine (2003) ‘Harsh Parenting in Relation to Child Emotion Regulation and Aggression.’ Journal of Family Psychology, 17(4), pp. 598–606.

985 – Wang, Li, Chen, Xinyin, Chen, Huichang, Cui, Liying and Li, Miao (2006) ‘Affect and maternal parenting as predictors of adaptive and maladaptive behaviors in Chinese children’. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 30(2), pp. 158–166.

986 – Wolfradt, Uwe, Hempel, Susanne and Miles, Jeremy N.V (2003) ‘Perceived parenting styles, depersonalisation, anxiety and coping behaviour in adolescents’. Personality and Individual Differences, 34(3), pp. 521–532.

987 – Muhtadie, Luma, Zhou, Qing, Eisenberg, Nancy and Wang, Yun (2013) ‘Predicting internalizing problems in Chinese children: The unique and interactive effects of parenting and child temperament’. Development and Psychopathology, 25(03), pp. 653–667.

988 – Long, E. C., Aggen, S. H., Gardner, C. and Kendler, K. S. (2015) ‘Differential parenting and risk for psychopathology: a monozygotic twin difference approach’. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 50(10), pp. 1569–1576.

989 – Calzada, Esther, Barajas-Gonzalez, R. Gabriela, Huang, Keng-Yen and Brotman, Laurie (2017) ‘Early Childhood Internalizing Problems in Mexican- and Dominican-Origin Children: The Role of Cultural Socialization and Parenting Practices’. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 46(4), pp. 551–562.

990 – King, Keith A., Vidourek, Rebecca A. and Merianos, Ashley L. (2016) ‘Authoritarian parenting and youth depression: Results from a national study’. Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community, 44(2), pp. 130–139.

991 – Rothrauff, T. C., Cooney, T. M. and An, J. S. (2009) ‘Remembered Parenting Styles and Adjustment in Middle and Late Adulthood’. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 64B(1), pp. 137–146.

992 – Lipps, Garth, Lowe, Gillian A, Gibson, Roger C, Halliday, Sharon, et al. (2012) ‘Parenting and depressive symptoms among adolescents in four Caribbean societies’. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 6(1), p. 31.

993 – Martínez, Isabel and García, José Fernando (2007) ‘Impact of Parenting Styles on Adolescents’ Self-Esteem and Internalization of Values in Spain’. The Spanish journal of psychology, 10(02), pp. 338–348.

994 – Martínez, Isabel and García, José Fernando (2008) ‘Internalization of values and self-esteem among Brazilian teenagers from authoritative, indulgent, authoritarian, and neglectful homes’. Adolescence, 43(169), pp. 13–29.

995 – Türkel, Yeşim Deniz and Tezer, Esin (2008) ‘Parenting Styles and Learned Resourcefulness of Turkish Adolescents’. Adolescence, 43(169), pp. 143–152.

996 – Piotrowski, Jessica Taylor, Lapierre, Matthew A. and Linebarger, Deborah L. (2013) ‘Investigating Correlates of Self-Regulation in Early Childhood with a Representative Sample of English-Speaking American Families’. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 22(3), pp. 423–436.

997 – Underwood, Marion K., Beron, Kurt J. and Rosen, Lisa H. (2009) ‘Continuity and change in social and physical aggression from middle childhood through early adolescence’. Aggressive Behavior, 35(5), pp. 357–375.

998 – Miller, J. M., DiIorio, C. and Dudley, W. (2002) ‘Parenting style and adolescent’s reaction to conflict: is there a relationship?’ Journal of Adolescent Health, 31, pp. 463–468.

999 – Weiss, Laura H. and Schwarz, J. Conrad (1996) ‘The Relationship between Parenting Types and Older Adolescents’ Personality, Academic Achievement, Adjustment, and Substance Use’. Child Development, 67(5), pp. 2101–2114.

1000 – Reimuller, Alison, Hussong, Andrea and Ennett, Susan T. (2011) ‘The Influence of Alcohol-Specific Communication on Adolescent Alcohol Use and Alcohol-Related Consequences’. Prevention Science, 12(4), pp. 389–400.

1001 – Sleddens, Ester F. C., Gerards, Sanne M. P. L., Thijs, Carel, de Vries, Nanne K. and Kremers, Stef P. J. (2011) ‘General parenting, childhood overweight and obesity-inducing behaviors: a review’. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity, 6(2–2), pp. e12–e27.

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1005 – Owens-Stively, Judith, Frank, Natalie, Smith, Adina, Hagino, Owen, et al. (1997) ‘Child temperament, parenting discipline style, and daytime behavior in childhood sleep disorders.’ Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 18(5), pp. 314–321.

1006 – Schmidt, Marie Evans, Pempek, Tiffany A., Kirkorian, Heather L., Lund, Anne Frankenfield and Anderson, Daniel R. (2008) ‘The Effects of Background Television on the Toy Play Behavior of Very Young Children’. Child Development, 79(4), pp. 1137–1151.

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1018 – Barr-Anderson, D. J., van den Berg, P., Neumark-Sztainer, D. and Story, M. (2008) ‘Characteristics Associated With Older Adolescents Who Have a Television in Their Bedrooms’. PEDIATRICS, 121(4), pp. 718–724.

1019 – Hawkins, Nicole, Richards, P. Scott, Granley, H. Mac and Stein, David M. (2004) ‘The Impact of Exposure to the Thin-Ideal Media Image on Women’. Eating Disorders, 12(1), pp. 35–50.

1020 – Paxton, Susan J., Neumark-Sztainer, Dianne, Hannan, Peter J. and Eisenberg, Marla E. (2006) ‘Body Dissatisfaction Prospectively Predicts Depressive Mood and Low Self-Esteem in Adolescent Girls and Boys’. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 35(4), pp. 539–549.

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1022 – Spettigue, Wendy and Henderson, Katherine A. (2004) ‘Eating Disorders and the Role of the Media’. The Canadian child and adolescent psychiatry review, 13(1), pp. 16–19.

1023 – Neumark-Sztainer, Dianne, Paxton, Susan J., Hannan, Peter J., Haines, Jess and Story, Mary (2006) ‘Does Body Satisfaction Matter? Five-year Longitudinal Associations between Body Satisfaction and Health Behaviors in Adolescent Females and Males’. Journal of Adolescent Health, 39(2), pp. 244–251.

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1025 – Moriarty, Cortney M. and Harrison, Kristen (2008) ‘Television Exposure and Disordered Eating Among Children: A Longitudinal Panel Study’. Journal of Communication, 58(2), pp. 361–381.

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1135 – Gershoff, E. T., Goodman, G. S., Miller-Perrin, C. L., Holden, G. W., et al. (2018) ‘The strength of the causal evidence against physical punishment of children and its implications for parents, psychologists, and policymakers.’ The American psychologist, 73(5), pp. 626–638.

1136 – Rohner, Ronald P. and Melendez-Rhodes, Tatiana (2019) ‘Perceived parental acceptance−rejection mediates or moderates the relation between corporal punishment and psychological adjustment: Comment on Gershoff et al (2018)’. American Psychologist, 74(4), pp. 500–502.

1137 – Larzelere, Robert E., Gunnoe, Marjorie Lindner, Ferguson, Christopher J. and Roberts, Mark W. (2019) ‘The insufficiency of the evidence used to categorically oppose spanking and its implications for families and psychological science: Comment on Gershoff et al. (2018)’. The American Psychologist, 74(4), pp. 497–499.

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1152 – Talwar, Victoria, Arruda, Cindy and Yachison, Sarah (2015) ‘The effects of punishment and appeals for honesty on children’s truth-telling behavior’. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 130, pp. 209–217.

1153 – Gartrell, Daniel (2002) ‘Replacing Time-Out: Part Two–Using Guidance To Maintain an Encouraging Classroom’. Young Children, 57(2), pp. 36–43.

1154 – Schreiber, Mary Ellis (1999) ‘Time-Outs for Toddlers: Is Our Goal Punishment or Education?’ Young Children, 54(4), pp. 22–25.

1155 – Riley, Andrew R., Wagner, David V., Tudor, Megan E., Zuckerman, Katharine E. and Freeman, Kurt A. (2017) ‘A Survey of Parents’ Perceptions and Use of Time-out Compared to Empirical Evidence’. Academic Pediatrics, 17(2), pp. 168–175.

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1157 – Morawska, Alina and Sanders, Matthew (2011) ‘Parental Use of Time Out Revisited: A Useful or Harmful Parenting Strategy?’ Journal of Child and Family Studies, 20(1), pp. 1–8.

1158 – Trenholme, Irene A and Baron, Alan (1975) ‘Immediate and delayed punishment of human behavior by loss of reinforcement’. Learning and Motivation, 6(1), pp. 62–79.

1159 – Everett, G. E., Hupp, S. D. A. and Olmi, D. J. (2010) ‘Time-out with Parents: A Descriptive Analysis of 30 Years of Research’. Education and Treatment of Children, 33(2), pp. 235–259.

1160 – Donaldson, Jeanne M and Vollmer, Timothy R (2011) ‘An evaluation and comparison of time-out procedures with and without release contingencies’ Kelley, M. (ed.). Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 44(4), pp. 693–705.

1161 – McNeil, Cheryl, Clemens-Mowrer, Laurie, Gurwitch, Robin H. and Funderburk, Beverly W. (1994) ‘Assessment of a New Procedure to Prevent Timeout Escape in Preschoolers’. Child & Family Behavior Therapy, 16(3), pp. 27–35.

1162 – Warzak, William J. and Floress, Margaret T. (2009) ‘Time-Out Training Without Put-Backs, Spanks, or Restraint: A Brief Report of Deferred Time-Out’. Child & Family Behavior Therapy, 31(2), pp. 134–143.

1163 – Fabiano, Gregory A., Pelham, William E., Manos, Michael J., Gnagy, Elizabeth M., et al. (2004) ‘An evaluation of three time-out procedures for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder’. Behavior Therapy, 35(3), pp. 449–469.

1164 – Donaldson, Jeanne M., Vollmer, Timothy R., Yakich, Theresa M. and Van Camp, Carole (2013) ‘Effects of a reduced time-out interval on compliance with the time-out instruction’. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 46(2), pp. 369–378.

1165 – Ryan, Richard M. and Deci, Edward L. (2000) ‘Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being.’ American Psychologist, 55(1), pp. 68–78.

1166 – Booker, Jordan A., Ollendick, Thomas H., Dunsmore, Julie C. and Greene, Ross W. (2016) ‘Perceived Parent–Child Relations, Conduct Problems, and Clinical Improvement Following the Treatment of Oppositional Defiant Disorder’. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25(5), pp. 1623–1633.

1167 – Greene, Ross W., Ablon, J. Stuart and Martin, Andrés (2006) ‘Use of Collaborative Problem Solving to Reduce Seclusion and Restraint in Child and Adolescent Inpatient Units.’ Psychiatric Services, 57(5), pp. 610–612.

1168 – Durrant, Joan E. (2016) Positive discipline in everyday parenting 4th ed., Stockholm, Sweden, Save the Children Sweden.

1169 – Durrant, Joan, Plateau, Dominique Pierre, Ateah, Christine A., Holden, George W., et al. (2017) ‘Parents’ views of the relevance of a violence prevention program in high, medium, and low human development contexts’. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 41(4), pp. 523–531.

1170 – Rosenberg, Marshall and Chopra, Deepak (2015) Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life, 3rd Edition: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships, PuddleDancer Press.

1171 – Larzelere, Robert E., Gunnoe, Marjorie Lindner, Roberts, Mark W. and Ferguson, Christopher J. (2017) ‘Children and Parents Deserve Better Parental Discipline Research: Critiquing the Evidence for Exclusively “Positive” Parenting’. Marriage & Family Review, 53(1), pp. 24–35.

1172 – Dovey, T. M., Staples, P. A., Gibson, E. L. and Halford, J. C. G. (2008) ‘Food neophobia and “picky/fussy” eating in children: A review’. Appetite, 50(2–3), pp. 181–193.

1173 – Lafraire, Jérémie, Rioux, Camille, Giboreau, Agnès and Picard, Delphine (2016) ‘Food rejections in children: Cognitive and social/environmental factors involved in food neophobia and picky/fussy eating behavior’. Appetite, 96, pp. 347–357.

1174 – Nicklaus, Sophie and Monnery-Patris, Sandrine (2018) ‘13 – Food neophobia in children and its relationships with parental feeding practices/style’, in Reilly, S. (ed.), Food Neophobia, Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition, Woodhead Publishing, pp. 255–286. [online] Available from: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780081019313000136 (Accessed 4 February 2020)

1175 – Wardle, Jane and Cooke, Lucy (2008) ‘Genetic and environmental determinants of children’s food preferences’. British Journal of Nutrition, 99(S1), pp. S15–S21.

1176 – Okubo, Hitomi, Miyake, Yoshihiro, Sasaki, Satoshi, Tanaka, Keiko and Hirota, Yoshio (2016) ‘Early sugar-sweetened beverage consumption frequency is associated with poor quality of later food and nutrient intake patterns among Japanese young children: the Osaka Maternal and Child Health Study’. Nutrition Research, 36(6), pp. 594–602.

1177 – Bjelland, Mona, Brantsæter, Anne Lise, Haugen, Margaretha, Meltzer, Helle Margrete, et al. (2013) ‘Changes and tracking of fruit, vegetables and sugar-sweetened beverages intake from 18 months to 7 years in the Norwegian mother and child cohort study’. BMC Public Health, 13(1), p. 793.

1178 – Pan, Liping, Li, Ruowei, Park, Sohyun, Galuska, Deborah A., et al. (2014) ‘A Longitudinal Analysis of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Intake in Infancy and Obesity at 6 Years’. Pediatrics, 134(Supplement 1), pp. S29–S35.

1179 – Shutts, Kristin, Condry, Kirsten F., Santos, Laurie R. and Spelke, Elizabeth S. (2009) ‘Core knowledge and its limits: The domain of food’. Cognition, 112(1), pp. 120–140.

1180 – Rozin, Paul, Hammer, Larry, Oster, Harriet, Horowitz, Talia and Marmora, Veronica (1986) ‘The child’s conception of food: Differentiation of categories of rejected substances in the 16 months to 5 year age range’. Appetite, 7(2), pp. 141–151.

1181 – Cashdan, E. (1994) ‘A sensitive period for learning about food’. Human Nature, 5(3), pp. 279–291.

1182 – Woo Baidal, Jennifer A., Locks, Lindsey M., Cheng, Erika R., Blake-Lamb, Tiffany L., et al. (2016) ‘Risk Factors for Childhood Obesity in the First 1,000 Days: A Systematic Review’. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 50(6), pp. 761–779.

1183 – Addessi, E., Galloway, A. T., Visalberghi, E. and Birch, Leann L. (2005) ‘Specific social influences on the acceptance of novel foods in 2-5-year-old children’. Appetite, 45(3), pp. 264–271.

1184 – Sanders, Matthew, Patel, Rinu, Grice, Bonny Le and Shepherd, Ross (1993) ‘Children With Persistent Feeding Difficulties: An Observational Analysis of the Feeding Interactions of Problem and Non-Problem Eaters’. Health Psychology, 12(1), pp. 64–73.

1185 – Rozin, P. (1976) ‘The selection of foods by rats, humans, and other animals’. Advances in the Study of Behavior, 6, pp. 21–76.

1186 – Johnson, Susan L., Davies, Patricia L., Boles, Richard E., Gavin, William J. and Bellows, Laura L. (2015) ‘Young Children’s Food Neophobia Characteristics and Sensory Behaviors Are Related to Their Food Intake’. The Journal of Nutrition, 145(11), pp. 2610–2616.

1187 – Perry, Rebecca A., Mallan, Kimberley M., Koo, Jasly, Mauch, Chelsea E., et al. (2015) ‘Food neophobia and its association with diet quality and weight in children aged 24 months: a cross sectional study’. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 12(1), p. 13.

1188 – Taylor, Caroline M., Northstone, Kate, Wernimont, Susan M. and Emmett, Pauline M. (2016) ‘Macro- and micronutrient intakes in picky eaters: a cause for concern?’ The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 104(6), pp. 1647–1656.

1189 – Pliner, P. and Loewen, E. (1997) ‘Temperament and food neophobia in children and their mothers.’ Appetite, 28(3), pp. 239–254.

1190 – Haycraft, Emma, Farrow, Claire, Meyer, Caroline, Powell, Faye and Blissett, Jackie (2011) ‘Relationships between temperament and eating behaviours in young children’. Appetite, 56(3), pp. 689–692.

1191 – Galloway, A. T., Lee, Y. and Birch, L. L. (2003) ‘Predictors and consequences of food neophobia and pickiness in young girls’. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 103(6), pp. 692–698.

1192 – Coulthard, Helen and Blissett, Jackie (2009) ‘Fruit and vegetable consumption in children and their mothers. Moderating effects of child sensory sensitivity’. Appetite, 52(2), pp. 410–415.

1193 – Monnery-Patris, Sandrine, Wagner, Sandra, Rigal, Natalie, Schwartz, Camille, et al. (2015) ‘Smell differential reactivity, but not taste differential reactivity, is related to food neophobia in toddlers’. Appetite, 95, pp. 303–309.

1194 – Bunce, C. and Gibson, E. L. (2012) ‘Sniffing, eating and disgust in food neophobic children’. Appetite, 59(2), p. 622.

1195 – Caton, Samantha J., Blundell, Pam, Ahern, Sara M., Nekitsing, Chandani, et al. (2014) ‘Learning to eat vegetables in early life: the role of timing, age and individual eating traits’. PLoS ONE, 9(5), p. np.

1196 – Maier, Andrea S., Chabanet, Claire, Schaal, Benoist, Leathwood, Peter D. and Issanchou, Sylvie N. (2008) ‘Breastfeeding and experience with variety early in weaning increase infants’ acceptance of new foods for up to two months’. Clinical Nutrition, 27(6), pp. 849–857.

1197 – Hausner, Helene, Nicklaus, Sophie, Issanchou, Sylvie, Mølgaard, Christian and Møller, Per (2009) ‘Breastfeeding facilitates acceptance of a novel dietary flavour compound’. e-SPEN, the European e-Journal of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, 4(5), pp. e231–e238.

1198 – Delaunay-ElAllam, Maryse, Soussignan, Robert, Patris, Bruno, Marlier, Luc and Schaal, Benoist (2010) ‘Long-lasting memory for an odor acquired at the mother’s breast’. Developmental Science, 13(6), pp. 849–863.

1199 – Nicklaus, Sophie (2016) ‘The role of food experiences during early childhood in food pleasure learning’. Appetite, 104, pp. 3–9.

1200 – Nicklaus, Sophie (2011) ‘Children’s acceptance of new foods at weaning. Role of practices of weaning and of food sensory properties’. Appetite, 57(3), pp. 812–815.

1201 – Gerrish, C. J. and Mennella, J. A. (2001) ‘Flavor variety enhances food acceptance in formula-fed infants’. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 73, pp. 1080–1085.

1202 – Heath, Philippa, Houston-Price, Carmel and Kennedy, Orla B. (2011) ‘Increasing food familiarity without the tears. A role for visual exposure?’ Appetite, 57(3), pp. 832–838.

1203 – McFarlane, T. and Pliner, P. (1997) ‘Increasing willingness to taste novel foods: effects of nutrition and taste information’. Appetite, 28(3), pp. 227–238.

1204 – Woo, Taejung and Lee, Kyung-Hea (2013) ‘Effects of sensory education based on classroom activities for lower grade school children’. Nutrition Research and Practice, 7(4), pp. 336–341.

1205 – Battjes-Fries, Marieke C. E., Haveman-Nies, Annemien, van Dongen, Ellen J. I., Meester, Hante J., et al. (2016) ‘Effectiveness of Taste Lessons with and without additional experiential learning activities on children’s psychosocial determinants of vegetables consumption’. Appetite, 105, pp. 519–526.

1206 – Battjes-Fries, Marieke CE, Haveman-Nies, Annemien, Renes, Reint-Jan, Meester, Hante J. and Veer, Pieter van ’t (2015) ‘Effect of the Dutch school-based education programme “Taste Lessons” on behavioural determinants of taste acceptance and healthy eating: a quasi-experimental study’. Public Health Nutrition, 18(12), pp. 2231–2241.

1207 – Houston-Price, Carmel, Burton, Eliza, Hickinson, Rachel, Inett, Jade, et al. (2009) ‘Picture book exposure elicits positive visual preferences in toddlers’. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 104(1), pp. 89–104.

1208 – Byrne, Elena and Nitzke, Susan (2002) ‘Preschool Children’s Acceptance of a Novel Vegetable Following Exposure to Messages in a Storybook’. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 34(4), pp. 211–214.

1209 – Nanney, Marilyn S., Johnson, Sheldon, Elliott, Michael and Haire-Joshu, Debra (2007) ‘Frequency of Eating Homegrown Produce Is Associated with Higher Intake among Parents and Their Preschool-Aged Children in Rural Missouri’. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 107(4), pp. 577–584.

1210 – Robinson-O’Brien, Ramona, Story, Mary and Heim, Stephanie (2009) ‘Impact of Garden-Based Youth Nutrition Intervention Programs: A Review’. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 109(2), pp. 273–280.

1211 – Jaenke, Rachael L., Collins, Clare E., Morgan, Philip J., Lubans, David R., et al. (2012) ‘The Impact of a School Garden and Cooking Program on Boys’ and Girls’ Fruit and Vegetable Preferences, Taste Rating, and Intake’. Health Education & Behavior, 39(2), pp. 131–141.

1212 – Morgan, Philip J., Warren, Janet M., Lubans, David R., Saunders, Kristen L., et al. (2010) ‘The impact of nutrition education with and without a school garden on knowledge, vegetable intake and preferences and quality of school life among primary-school students’. Public Health Nutrition, 13(11), pp. 1931–1940.

1213 – Davis, Jaimie N., Martinez, Lauren C., Spruijt-Metz, Donna and Gatto, Nicole M. (2016) ‘LA Sprouts: A 12-Week Gardening, Nutrition, and Cooking Randomized Control Trial Improves Determinants of Dietary Behaviors’. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 48(1), pp. 2-11.e1.

1214 – Langellotto, Gail A. and Gupta, Abha (2012) ‘Gardening Increases Vegetable Consumption in School-aged Children: A Meta-analytical Synthesis’. HortTechnology, 22(4), pp. 430–445.

1215 – Dazeley, Paul and Houston-Price, Carmel (2015) ‘Exposure to foods’ non-taste sensory properties. A nursery intervention to increase children’s willingness to try fruit and vegetables’. Appetite, 84, pp. 1–6.

1216 – Dazeley, Paul, Houston-Price, Carmel and Hill, Claire (2012) ‘Should healthy eating programmes incorporate interaction with foods in different sensory modalities? A review of the evidence’. British Journal of Nutrition, 108(5), pp. 769–777.

1217 – Coulthard, Helen and Thakker, Dipti (2015) ‘Enjoyment of Tactile Play Is Associated with Lower Food Neophobia in Preschool Children’. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 115(7), pp. 1134–1140.

1218 – Coulthard, Helen and Sahota, Simran (2016) ‘Food neophobia and enjoyment of tactile play: Associations between preschool children and their parents’. Appetite, 97, pp. 155–159.

1219 – Coulthard, Helen and Sealy, Annemarie (2017) ‘Play with your food! Sensory play is associated with tasting of fruits and vegetables in preschool children’. Appetite, 113, pp. 84–90.

1220 – Reverdy, C., Chesnel, F., Schlich, P., Köster, E. P. and Lange, C. (2008) ‘Effect of sensory education on willingness to taste novel food in children’. Appetite, 51(1), pp. 156–165.

1221 – Mustonen, Sari, Rantanen, Reetta and Tuorila, Hely (2009) ‘Effect of sensory education on school children’s food perception: A 2-year follow-up study’. Food Quality and Preference, 20(3), pp. 230–240.

1222 – Mustonen, Sari and Tuorila, Hely (2010) ‘Sensory education decreases food neophobia score and encourages trying unfamiliar foods in 8–12-year-old children’. Food Quality and Preference, 21(4), pp. 353–360.

1223 – Park, Bo-Kyung and Cho, Mi-Sook (2016) ‘Taste education reduces food neophobia and increases willingness to try novel foods in school children’. Nutrition Research and Practice, 10(2), pp. 221–228.

1224 – Allirot, Xavier, da Quinta, Noelia, Chokupermal, Krithika and Urdaneta, Elena (2016) ‘Involving children in cooking activities: A potential strategy for directing food choices toward novel foods containing vegetables’. Appetite, 103, pp. 275–285.

1225 – van der Horst, Klazine, Ferrage, Aurore and Rytz, Andreas (2014) ‘Involving children in meal preparation. Effects on food intake’. Appetite, 79, pp. 18–24.

1226 – Sullivan, S. A. and Birch, L. L. (1994) ‘Infant dietary experience and acceptance of solid foods’. Pediatrics, 93(2), pp. 271–277.

1227 – Birch, L. L., Gunder, L., Grimm-Thomas, K. and Laing, D. G. (1998) ‘Infants’ consumption of a new food enhances acceptance of similar foods’. Appetite, 30(3), pp. 283–295.

1228 – Maier, Andrea, Chabanet, Claire, Schaal, Benoist, Issanchou, Sylvie and Leathwood, Peter (2007) ‘Effects of repeated exposure on acceptance of initially disliked vegetables in 7-month old infants’. Food Quality and Preference, 18(8), pp. 1023–1032.

1229 – Mennella, Julie A., Nicklaus, Sophie, Jagolino, Amanda L. and Yourshaw, Lauren M. (2008) ‘Variety is the spice of life: Strategies for promoting fruit and vegetable acceptance during infancy’. Physiology & Behavior, 94(1), pp. 29–38.

1230 – Maier-Nöth, Andrea, Schaal, Benoist, Leathwood, Peter and Issanchou, Sylvie (2016) ‘The Lasting Influences of Early Food-Related Variety Experience: A Longitudinal Study of Vegetable Acceptance from 5 Months to 6 Years in Two Populations’. PLoS ONE, 11(3). [online] Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4788196/ (Accessed 4 February 2020)

1231 – Birch, L. L., McPhee, L., Shoba, B. C., Pirok, E. and Steinberg, L. (1987) ‘What kind of exposure reduces children’s food neophobia?: looking vs. tasting’. Appetite, 9(3), pp. 171–178.

1232 – Wardle, Jane, Cooke, Lucy J, Gibson, E. Leigh, Sapochnik, Manuela, et al. (2003) ‘Increasing children’s acceptance of vegetables; a randomized trial of parent-led exposure’. Appetite, 40(2), pp. 155–162.

1233 – Wardle, J., Herrera, M. L., Cooke, L. and Gibson, E. L. (2003) ‘Modifying children’s food preferences: The effects of exposure and reward on acceptance of an unfamiliar vegetable’. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 57(2), pp. 341–348.

1234 – Mustonen, Sari, Oerlemans, Patty and Tuorila, Hely (2012) ‘Familiarity with and affective responses to foods in 8–11-year-old children. The role of food neophobia and parental education’. Appetite, 58(3), pp. 777–780.

1235 – Loewen, R. and Pliner, P. (1999) ‘Effects of prior exposure to palatable and unpalatable novel foods on children’s willingness to taste other novel foods’. Appetite, 32(3), pp. 351–366.

1236 – Mennella, Julie A., Nicklaus, Sophie, Jagolino, Amanda L. and Yourshaw, Lauren M. (2008) ‘Variety is the spice of life: Strategies for promoting fruit and vegetable acceptance during infancy’. Physiology & Behavior, 94(1), pp. 29–38.

1237 – Haire-Joshu, Debra, Elliott, Michael B., Caito, Nicole M., Hessler, Kimberly, et al. (2008) ‘High 5 for Kids: The impact of a home visiting program on fruit and vegetable intake of parents and their preschool children’. Preventive Medicine, 47(1), pp. 77–82.

1238 – Wind, Marianne, de Bourdeaudhuij, Ilse, te Velde, Saskia J., Sandvik, Camilla, et al. (2006) ‘Correlates of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Among 11-Year-Old Belgian-Flemish and Dutch Schoolchildren’. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 38(4), pp. 211–221.

1239 – Blissett, Jackie, Bennett, Carmel, Fogel, Anna, Harris, Gillian and Higgs, Suzanne (2016) ‘Parental modelling and prompting effects on acceptance of a novel fruit in 2–4-year-old children are dependent on children’s food responsiveness’. British Journal of Nutrition, 115(3), pp. 554–564.

1240 – Harper, L. V. and Sanders, K. M. (10) ‘The effect of adults’ eating on young children’s acceptance of unfamiliar foods’. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 20(2), pp. 206–214.

1241 – Hendy, H. M. and Raudenbush, B. (2000) ‘Effectiveness of teacher modeling to encourage food acceptance in preschool children’. Appetite, 34(1), pp. 61–76.

1242 – Frazier, Brandy N., Gelman, Susan A., Kaciroti, Niko, Russell, Joshua W. and Lumeng, Julie C. (2012) ‘I’ll have what she’s having: the impact of model characteristics on children’s food choices’. Developmental Science, 15(1), pp. 87–98.

1243 – Bevelander, Kirsten E., Anschütz, Doeschka J. and Engels, Rutger C. M. E. (2012) ‘The effect of a fictitious peer on young children’s choice of familiar v. unfamiliar low- and high-energy-dense foods’. British Journal of Nutrition, 108(6), pp. 1126–1133.

1244 – Birch, Leann L. (1980) ‘Effects of Peer Models’ Food Choices and Eating Behaviors on Preschoolers’ Food Preferences’. Child Development, 51(2), pp. 489–496.

1245 – Hendy, H. M. (2002) ‘Effectiveness of trained peer models to encourage food acceptance in preschool children’. Appetite, 39(3), pp. 217–225.

1246 – Lowe, C. F., Horne, P. J., Tapper, K., Bowdery, M. and Egerton, C. (2004) ‘Effects of a peer modelling and rewards-based intervention to increase fruit and vegetable consumption in children’. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 58(3), pp. 510–522.

1247 – Laureati, Monica, Bergamaschi, Valentina and Pagliarini, Ella (2014) ‘School-based intervention with children. Peer-modeling, reward and repeated exposure reduce food neophobia and increase liking of fruits and vegetables’. Appetite, 83, pp. 26–32.

1248 – Correia, Danielle C.S., O’Connell, Meghan, Irwin, Melinda L. and Henderson, Kathryn E. (2014) ‘Pairing Vegetables with a Liked Food and Visually Appealing Presentation: Promising Strategies for Increasing Vegetable Consumption among Preschoolers’. Childhood Obesity, 10(1), pp. 72–76.

1249 – Zampollo, Francesca, Kniffin, Kevin M., Wansink, Brian and Shimizu, Mitsuru (2012) ‘Food plating preferences of children: the importance of presentation on desire for diversity’. Acta Paediatrica, 101(1), pp. 61–66.

1250 – Olsen, Annemarie, Ritz, Christian, Kramer, Lisbet and Møller, Per (2012) ‘Serving styles of raw snack vegetables. What do children want?’ Appetite, 59(2), pp. 556–562.

1251 – Carruth, B. R., Ziegler, P. J., Gordon, A. and Barr, S. I. (2004) ‘Prevalence of picky eaters among infants and toddlers and their caregivers’ decisions about offering a new food’. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 104(Supplement 1), pp. 57–64.

1252 – De Moura, S. L. (2007) ‘Determinants of food rejection amongst school children’. Appetite, 49(3), pp. 716–719.

1253 – Brown, S. D., Harris, G., Bell, L. and Lines, L. M. (2012) ‘Disliked food acting as a contaminant in a sample of young children’. Appetite, 58(3), pp. 991–996.

1254 – Maimaran, Michal and Fishbach, Ayelet (2014) ‘If It’s Useful and You Know It, Do You Eat? Preschoolers Refrain from Instrumental Food’. Journal of Consumer Research, 41(3), pp. 642–655.

1255 – Miller, Elizabeth G., Seiders, Kathleen, Kenny, Maureen and Walsh, Mary E. (2011) ‘Children’s use of on-package nutritional claim information’. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 10(3), pp. 122–132.

1256 – Wardle, Jane and Huon, Gail (2000) ‘An experimental investigation of the influence of health information on children’s taste preferences’. Health Education Research, 15(1), pp. 39–44.

1257 – Martins, Y., Pelchat, M. L. and Pliner, P. (1997) ‘ »Try it; it’s good and it’s good for you « : effects of taste and nutrition information on willingness to try novel foods’. Appetite, 28(2), pp. 89–102.

1258 – Pelchat, M. L. and Pliner, P. (4) ‘“Try it. You’ll like it”. Effects of information on willingness to try novel foods’. Appetite, 24(2), pp. 153–165.

1259 – Cassells, Erin L., Magarey, Anthea M., Daniels, Lynne A. and Mallan, Kimberley M. (2014) ‘The influence of maternal infant feeding practices and beliefs on the expression of food neophobia in toddlers’. Appetite, 82, pp. 36–42.

1260 – Fisher, J. O., Mitchell, D. C., Wright, H. S. and Birch, L. L. (2002) ‘Parental influences on young girls’ fruit and vegetable, micronutrient, and fat intakes’. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 102(1), pp. 58–64.

1261 – Galloway, A. T., Fiorito, L., Lee, Y. and Birch, L. L. (4) ‘Parental pressure, dietary patterns, and weight status among girls who are “picky eaters”’. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 105(4), pp. 541–548.

1262 – Wardle, J., Carnell, S. and Cooke, L. (2005) ‘Parental control over feeding and children’s fruit and vegetable intake: How are they related?’ Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 105(2), pp. 227–232.

1263 – Brown, Kerry A., Ogden, Jane, Vögele, Claus and Gibson, E. Leigh (2008) ‘The role of parental control practices in explaining children’s diet and BMI’. Appetite, 50(2), pp. 252–259.

1264 – Rigal, Natalie, Chabanet, Claire, Issanchou, Sylvie and Monnery-Patris, Sandrine (2012) ‘Links between maternal feeding practices and children’s eating difficulties. Validation of French tools’. Appetite, 58(2), pp. 629–637.

1265 – Kaar, Jill L., Shapiro, Allison L. B., Fell, Donna M. and Johnson, Susan L. (2016) ‘Parental feeding practices, food neophobia, and child food preferences: What combination of factors results in children eating a variety of foods?’ Food Quality and Preference, 50, pp. 57–64.

1266 – Moding, Kameron J. and Stifter, Cynthia A. (2016) ‘Temperamental approach/withdrawal and food neophobia in early childhood: Concurrent and longitudinal associations’. Appetite, 107, pp. 654–662.

1267 – Carper, J. L., Orlet Fisher, J. and Birch, L. L. (2000) ‘Young girls’ emerging dietary restraint and disinhibition are related to parental control in child feeding’. Appetite, 35(2), pp. 121–129.

1268 – Robert Batsell, W, Brown, Alan S, Ansfield, Matthew E and Paschall, Gayla Y (2002) ‘“You Will Eat All of That!”: A retrospective analysis of forced consumption episodes’. Appetite, 38(3), pp. 211–219.

1269 – Ellis, Jordan M., Galloway, Amy T., Webb, Rose Mary, Martz, Denise M. and Farrow, Claire V. (2016) ‘Recollections of pressure to eat during childhood, but not picky eating, predict young adult eating behavior’. Appetite, 97, pp. 58–63.

1270 – Birch, Leann Lipps (1981) ‘A call for the explicit recognition of affect in models of human eating behavior’. Journal of Nutrition Education, 13(1, Supplement 1), pp. S49–S53.

1271 – Pliner, P. and Stallberg-White, C. (2000) ‘“Pass the ketchup, please”: familiar flavors increase children’s willingness to taste novel foods’. Appetite, 34(1), pp. 95–103.

1272 – Fisher, Jennifer O., Mennella, Julie A., Hughes, Sheryl O., Liu, Yan, et al. (2012) ‘Offering “Dip” Promotes Intake of a Moderately-Liked Raw Vegetable among Preschoolers with Genetic Sensitivity to Bitterness’. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 112(2), pp. 235–245.

1273 – Capaldi, Elizabeth D. and Privitera, Gregory J. (2008) ‘Decreasing dislike for sour and bitter in children and adults’. Appetite, 50(1), pp. 139–145.

1274 – Havermans, Remco C. and Jansen, Anita (2007) ‘Increasing children’s liking of vegetables through flavour–flavour learning’. Appetite, 48(2), pp. 259–262.

1275 – Musher-Eizenman, Dara R., Wagner Oehlhof, Marissa, Young, Kathleen M., Hauser, Jessica C., et al. (2011) ‘Emerald dragon bites vs veggie beans: Fun food names increase children’s consumption of novel healthy foods’. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 9(3), pp. 191–195.

1276 – Blissett, Jackie and Fogel, Anna (2013) ‘Intrinsic and extrinsic influences on children’s acceptance of new foods’. Physiology & Behavior, 121, pp. 89–95.

1277 – Birch, Leann Lipps, Marlin, Diane Wolfe and Rotter, Julie (1984) ‘Eating as the “Means” Activity in a Contingency: Effects on Young Children’s Food Preference’. Child Development, 55(2), pp. 431–439.

1278 – Blissett, Jacqueline, Bennett, Carmel, Donohoe, Jessica, Rogers, Samantha and Higgs, Suzanne (2012) ‘Predicting Successful Introduction of Novel Fruit to Preschool Children’. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 112(12), pp. 1959–1967.

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1396 – Carson, Valerie, Hunter, Stephen, Kuzik, Nicholas, Gray, Casey E., et al. (2016) ‘Systematic review of sedentary behaviour and health indicators in school-aged children and youth: an update’. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 41(6 (Suppl. 3)), pp. S240–S265.

1397 – Mullan, Killian (2018) ‘Technology and Children’s Screen-Based Activities in the UK: The Story of the Millennium So Far’. Child Indicators Research, 11(6), pp. 1781–1800.

1398 – Tremblay, Mark S., LeBlanc, Allana G., Kho, Michelle E., Saunders, Travis J., et al. (2011) ‘Systematic review of sedentary behaviour and health indicators in school-aged children and youth’. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 8(1), p. 98.

1399 – Ngantcha, Marcus, Janssen, Eric, Godeau, Emmanuelle, Ehlinger, Virginie, et al. (2020) ‘Revisiting Factors Associated With Screen Time Media Use: A Structural Study Among School-Aged Adolescents’. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 15(6), pp. 448–456.

1400 – Livingstone, Sonia and Franklin, Keely (2018) ‘Families with young children and “screen time”’. Journal of Health Visiting, 6(9), pp. 434–439.

1401 – Etchells P. on behalf of all signatories (2017) ‘Screen time guidelines need to be built on evidence, not hype’. The Guardian. [online] Available from: https://www.theguardian.com/science/head-quarters/2017/jan/06/screen-time-guidelines-need-to-be-built-on-evidence-not-hype (Accessed 8 January 2020)

1402 – Houghton, Stephen, Hunter, Simon C., Rosenberg, Michael, Wood, Lisa, et al. (2015) ‘Virtually impossible: limiting Australian children and adolescents daily screen based media use’. BMC Public Health, 15(1), p. 5.

1403 – Straker, Leon, Zabatiero, Juliana, Danby, Susan, Thorpe, Karen and Edwards, Susan (2018) ‘Conflicting Guidelines on Young Children’s Screen Time and Use of Digital Technology Create Policy and Practice Dilemmas’. The Journal of Pediatrics, 202, pp. 300–303.

1404 – American Academy of Pediatrics Council on Communications and Media (2016) ‘Media and Young Minds’. Pediatrics, 138(5).

1405 – Canadian Paediatric Society Digital Health Task Force, Ponti, Michelle, Bélanger, Stacey, Grimes, Ruth, et al. (2017) ‘Screen time and young children: Promoting health and development in a digital world’. Paediatrics & Child Health, 22(8), pp. 461–468.

1406 – Ferguson, Christopher J. and Beresin, Eugene (2017) ‘Social science’s curious war with pop culture and how it was lost: The media violence debate and the risks it holds for social science’. Preventive Medicine, 99, pp. 69–76.

1407 – Barr, Rachel, Lauricella, Alexis, Zack, Elizabeth and Calvert, Sandra L. (2010) ‘Infant and Early Childhood Exposure to Adult-Directed and Child-Directed Television Programming: Relations with Cognitive Skills at Age Four’. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 56(1), pp. 21–48.

1408 – Zimmerman, Frederick J. and Christakis, Dimitri A. (2005) ‘Children’s Television Viewing and Cognitive Outcomes: A Longitudinal Analysis of National Data’. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 159(7), pp. 619–625.

1409 – Lin, Ling-Yi, Cherng, Rong-Ju, Chen, Yung-Jung, Chen, Yi-Jen and Yang, Hei-Mei (2015) ‘Effects of television exposure on developmental skills among young children’. Infant Behavior and Development, 38, pp. 20–26.

1410 – Christakis, Dimitri A (2009) ‘The effects of infant media usage: what do we know and what should we learn?’ Acta Paediatrica, 98(1), pp. 8–16.

1411 – Linebarger, Deborah L. and Walker, Dale (2005) ‘Infants’ and Toddlers’ Television Viewing and Language Outcomes’. American Behavioral Scientist, 48(5), pp. 624–645.

1412 – Anderson, Daniel R. and Pempek, Tiffany A. (2005) ‘Television and Very Young Children’. American Behavioral Scientist, 48(5), pp. 505–522.

1413 – Pagani, Linda S., Fitzpatrick, Caroline, Barnett, Tracie A. and Dubow, Eric (2010) ‘Prospective Associations Between Early Childhood Television Exposure and Academic, Psychosocial, and Physical Well-being by Middle Childhood’. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 164(5), pp. 425–431.

1414 – Kostyrka-Allchorne, Katarzyna, Cooper, Nicholas R. and Simpson, Andrew (2017) ‘The relationship between television exposure and children’s cognition and behaviour: A systematic review’. Developmental Review, 44, pp. 19–58.

1415 – Mistry, Kamila B., Minkovitz, Cynthia S., Strobino, Donna M. and Borzekowski, Dina L. G. (2007) ‘Children’s Television Exposure and Behavioral and Social Outcomes at 5.5 Years: Does Timing of Exposure Matter?’ Pediatrics, 120(4), pp. 762–769.

1416 – Kirkorian, Heather L., Pempek, Tiffany A., Murphy, Lauren A., Schmidt, Marie E. and Anderson, Daniel R. (2009) ‘The Impact of Background Television on Parent–Child Interaction’. Child Development, 80(5), pp. 1350–1359.

1417 – Pempek, Tiffany A., Kirkorian, Heather L. and Anderson, Daniel R. (2014) ‘The Effects of Background Television on the Quantity and Quality of Child-Directed Speech by Parents’. Journal of Children and Media, 8(3), pp. 211–222.

1418 – Khan, Kiren, Purtell, Kelly, Logan, Jessica, Ansari, Arya and Justice, Laura (2017) ‘Association Between Television Viewing and Parent-Child Reading in the Early Home Environment’. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 38(7), pp. 521–527.

1419 – Ennemoser, Marco and Schneider, Wolfgang (2007) ‘Relations of television viewing and reading: Findings from a 4-year longitudinal study’. Journal of Educational Psychology, 99(2), pp. 349–368.

1420 – Anderson, Daniel R., Subrahmanyam, Kaveri and Workgroup, on behalf of the Cognitive Impacts of Digital Media (2017) ‘Digital Screen Media and Cognitive Development’. Pediatrics, 140(Supplement 2), pp. S57–S61.

1421 – Barlett, Natalie D., Gentile, Douglas A., Barlett, Christopher P., Eisenmann, Joey C. and Walsh, David A. (2012) ‘Sleep as a Mediator of Screen Time Effects on US Children’s Health Outcomes’. Journal of Children and Media, 6(1), pp. 37–50.

1422 – Anderson, Craig A., Berkowitz, Leonard, Donnerstein, Edward, Huesmann, L. Rowell, et al. (2003) ‘The Influence of Media Violence on Youth’. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 4(3), pp. 81–110.

1423 – Huesmann, L. Rowell and Taylor, Laramie D. (2006) ‘The role of media violence in violent behavior’. Annual Review of Public Health, 27(1), pp. 393–415.

1424 – Strasburger, V. C. (2007) ‘Go Ahead Punk, Make My Day: It’s Time for Pediatricians to Take Action Against Media Violence’. PEDIATRICS, 119(6), pp. e1398–e1399.

1425 – Robertson, Lindsay A., McAnally, Helena M. and Hancox, Robert J. (2013) ‘Childhood and Adolescent Television Viewing and Antisocial Behavior in Early Adulthood’. Pediatrics, 131(3), pp. 439–446.

1426 – Common Sense Media (2013) Media and Violence: An Analysis of Current Research, San Francisco.

1427 – Bushman, Brad, Gollwitzer, Mario and Cruz, Carlos (2015) ‘There Is Broad Consensus: Media Researchers Agree That Violent Media Increase Aggression in Children, and Pediatricians and Parents Concur’. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 4(3), pp. 200–214.

1428 – Holmstrom, Amanda J. (2004) ‘The Effects of the Media on Body Image: A Meta-Analysis’. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 48(2), pp. 196–217.

1429 – Slater, Amy and Tiggemann, Marika (2016) ‘Little girls in a grown up world: Exposure to sexualized media, internalization of sexualization messages, and body image in 6–9 year-old girls’. Body Image, 18, pp. 19–22.

1430 – Ferguson, C.J. (n.d.) ‘The devil wears stata: Thin-ideal media’s minimal contribution to our understanding of body dissatisfaction and eating disorders.’ Archives of Scientific Psychology, 6(1), pp. 70–79.

1431 – Steinberg, Laurence and Monahan, Kathryn C. (2011) ‘Adolescents’ exposure to sexy media does not hasten the initiation of sexual intercourse’. Developmental Psychology, 47(2), pp. 562–576.

1432 – Merrill, Renae A. and Liang, Xinya (2019) ‘Associations between adolescent media use, mental health, and risky sexual behaviors’. Children and Youth Services Review, 103, pp. 1–9.

1433 – Gingold, Janet A., Simon, Alan E. and Schoendorf, Kenneth C. (2014) ‘Excess Screen Time in US Children: Association With Family Rules and Alternative Activities’. Clinical Pediatrics, 53(1), pp. 41–50.

1434 – Veldhuis, Lydian, Grieken, Amy van, Renders, Carry M., HiraSing, Remy A. and Raat, Hein (2014) ‘Parenting Style, the Home Environment, and Screen Time of 5-Year-Old Children; The “Be Active, Eat Right” Study’. PLOS ONE, 9(2), p. e88486.

1435 – Bjelland, Mona, Soenens, Bart, Bere, Elling, Kovács, Éva, et al. (2015) ‘Associations between parental rules, style of communication and children’s screen time’. BMC Public Health, 15(1), p. 1002.

1436 – Ramirez, Ernesto R., Norman, Gregory J., Rosenberg, Dori E., Kerr, Jacqueline, et al. (2011) ‘Adolescent Screen Time and Rules to Limit Screen Time in the Home’. Journal of Adolescent Health, 48(4), pp. 379–385.

1437 – Gentile, Douglas A., Reimer, Rachel A., Nathanson, Amy I., Walsh, David A. and Eisenmann, Joey C. (2014) ‘Protective Effects of Parental Monitoring of Children’s Media Use: A Prospective Study’. JAMA Pediatrics, 168(5), pp. 479–484.

1438 – Carlson, Susan A., Fulton, Janet E., Lee, Sarah M., Foley, John T., et al. (2010) ‘Influence of Limit-Setting and Participation in Physical Activity on Youth Screen Time’. Pediatrics, 126(1), pp. e89–e96.

1439 – Totland, Torunn H., Bjelland, Mona, Lien, Nanna, Bergh, Ingunn H., et al. (2013) ‘Adolescents’ prospective screen time by gender and parental education, the mediation of parental influences’. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 10(1), p. 89.

1440 – Schoeppe, Stephanie, Rebar, Amanda L., Short, Camille E., Alley, Stephanie, et al. (2016) ‘How is adults’ screen time behaviour influencing their views on screen time restrictions for children? A cross-sectional study’. BMC Public Health, 16(1), p. 201.

1441 – Jago, Russell, Thompson, Janice L., Sebire, Simon J., Wood, Lesley, et al. (2014) ‘Cross-sectional associations between the screen-time of parents and young children: differences by parent and child gender and day of the week’. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 11(1), p. 54.

1442 – Sallis, James, Prochaska, Judith and Taylor, Wendell (2000) ‘A review of correlates of physical activity of children and adolescents’. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 32(5), pp. 963–975.

1443 – Salmon, Jo, Timperio, Anna, Telford, Amanda, Carver, Alison and Crawford, David (2005) ‘Association of Family Environment with Children’s Television Viewing and with Low Level of Physical Activity’. Obesity Research, 13(11), pp. 1939–1951.

1444 – Yalçin, Siddika Songül, TuĞrul, Belma, Naçar, NazIre, Tuncer, Murat and Yurdakök, KadrIye (2002) ‘Factors that affect television viewing time in preschool and primary schoolchildren’. Pediatrics International, 44(6), pp. 622–627.

1445 – LeBlanc, Allana G., Katzmarzyk, Peter T., Barreira, Tiago V., Broyles, Stephanie T., et al. (2015) ‘Correlates of Total Sedentary Time and Screen Time in 9–11 Year-Old Children around the World: The International Study of Childhood Obesity, Lifestyle and the Environment’. PLOS ONE, 10(6), p. e0129622.

1446 – Krossbakken, Elfrid, Torsheim, Torbjørn, Mentzoni, Rune Aune, King, Daniel Luke, et al. (2018) ‘The effectiveness of a parental guide for prevention of problematic video gaming in children: A public health randomized controlled intervention study’. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 7(1), pp. 52–61.

1447 – Vondráčková, Petra and Gabrhelík, Roman (2016) ‘Prevention of Internet addiction: A systematic review’. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 5(4), pp. 568–579.

1448 – Anderson, Daniel R. and Hanson, Katherine G. (2010) ‘From blooming, buzzing confusion to media literacy: The early development of television viewing’. Developmental Review, 30(2), pp. 239–255.

1449 – Anderson, Daniel R., Huston, Aletha C., Schmitt, Kelly L., Linebarger, Deborah L., et al. (2001) ‘Early Childhood Television Viewing and Adolescent Behavior: The Recontact Study’. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 66(1), pp. i–154.

1450 – Hall, Eve R., Esty, Edward T. and Fisch, Shalom M. (1990) ‘Television and children’s problem-solving behavior: A synopsis of an evaluation of the effects of Square One TV.’ The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 9(2), pp. 161–174.

1451 – Baydar, Nazli, Kağitçibaşi, Çiğdem, Küntay, Aylin C. and Gökşen, Fatoş (2008) ‘Effects of an educational television program on preschoolers: Variability in benefits’. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 29(5), pp. 349–360.

1452 – Linebarger, Deborah Nichols, Brey, Elizabeth, Fenstermacher, Susan and Barr, Rachel (2017) ‘What Makes Preschool Educational Television Educational? A Content Analysis of Literacy, Language-Promoting, and Prosocial Preschool Programming’, in Barr, R. and Linebarger, D. N. (eds.), Media Exposure During Infancy and Early Childhood: The Effects of Content and Context on Learning and Development, Cham, Springer International Publishing, pp. 97–133. [online] Available from: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-45102-2_7 (Accessed 10 January 2020)

1453 – Marshall, J.M. (2004) ‘Learning with technology: Evidence that technology can, and does support learning’. Educational Forum, 68, pp. 140–153.

1454 – Lemke, C., Coughlin, E. and Reifsneider, D. (2009) Technology in schools: What the research says: An update, Culver City, CA, Commissioned by Cisco.

1455 – Mishra, Punya and Koehler, Matthew J. (2006) ‘Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: A Framework for Teacher Knowledge’. Teachers College Record, 108(6), pp. 1017–1054.

1456 – Koehler, Matthew and Mishra, Punya (2009) ‘What is Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)?’ Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education, 9(1), pp. 60–70.

1457 – van Deursen, Alexander J. A. M., Bolle, Colin L., Hegner, Sabrina M. and Kommers, Piet A. M. (2015) ‘Modeling habitual and addictive smartphone behavior: The role of smartphone usage types, emotional intelligence, social stress, self-regulation, age, and gender’. Computers in Human Behavior, 45, pp. 411–420.

1458 – Billieux, Joël, Maurage, Pierre, Lopez-Fernandez, Olatz, Kuss, Daria J. and Griffiths, Mark D. (2015) ‘Can Disordered Mobile Phone Use Be Considered a Behavioral Addiction? An Update on Current Evidence and a Comprehensive Model for Future Research’. Current Addiction Reports, 2(2), pp. 156–162.

1459 – Elhai, Jon D., Dvorak, Robert D., Levine, Jason C. and Hall, Brian J. (2017) ‘Problematic smartphone use: A conceptual overview and systematic review of relations with anxiety and depression psychopathology’. Journal of Affective Disorders, 207, pp. 251–259.

1460 – Shan, Zhi, Deng, Guoying, Li, Jipeng, Li, Yangyang, et al. (2013) ‘Correlational Analysis of neck/shoulder Pain and Low Back Pain with the Use of Digital Products, Physical Activity and Psychological Status among Adolescents in Shanghai’. PLOS ONE, 8(10), p. e78109.

1461 – İNal, Esra Erkol, Demİrcİ, kadİr, Çetİntürk, Azİze, Akgönül, Mehmet and Savaş, Serpİl (2015) ‘Effects of smartphone overuse on hand function, pinch strength, and the median nerve’. Muscle & Nerve, 52(2), pp. 183–188.

1462 – Xie, Yanfei, Szeto, Grace P. Y., Dai, Jie and Madeleine, Pascal (2016) ‘A comparison of muscle activity in using touchscreen smartphone among young people with and without chronic neck–shoulder pain’. Ergonomics, 59(1), pp. 61–72.

1463 – Duke, Éilish and Montag, Christian (2017) ‘Smartphone addiction, daily interruptions and self-reported productivity’. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 6, pp. 90–95.

1464 – Samaha, Maya and Hawi, Nazir S. (2016) ‘Relationships among smartphone addiction, stress, academic performance, and satisfaction with life’. Computers in Human Behavior, 57, pp. 321–325.

1465 – Clayton, Russell B., Leshner, Glenn and Almond, Anthony (2015) ‘The Extended iSelf: The Impact of iPhone Separation on Cognition, Emotion, and Physiology’. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 20(2), pp. 119–135.

1466 – Carbonell, Xavier, Chamarro, Andrés, Oberst, Ursula, Rodrigo, Beatriz and Prades, Mariona (2018) ‘Problematic Use of the Internet and Smartphones in University Students: 2006–2017’. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(3), p. 475.

1467 – Bennett, Brooke L., Whisenhunt, Brooke L., Hudson, Danae L., Wagner, Allison F., et al. (2019) ‘Examining the impact of social media on mood and body dissatisfaction using ecological momentary assessment’. Journal of American College Health, 0(0), pp. 1–7.

1468 – Tatangelo, Gemma L and Ricciardelli, Lina A (2017) ‘Children’s body image and social comparisons with peers and the media’. Journal of Health Psychology, 22(6), pp. 776–787.

1469 – Murray, Marisa, Maras, Danijela and Goldfield, Gary S. (2016) ‘Excessive Time on Social Networking Sites and Disordered Eating Behaviors Among Undergraduate Students: Appearance and Weight Esteem as Mediating Pathways’. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 19(12), pp. 709–715.

1470 – Oberst, Ursula, Wegmann, Elisa, Stodt, Benjamin, Brand, Matthias and Chamarro, Andrés (2017) ‘Negative consequences from heavy social networking in adolescents: The mediating role of fear of missing out’. Journal of Adolescence, 55, pp. 51–60.

1471 – Twenge, Jean M., Joiner, Thomas E., Rogers, Megan L. and Martin, Gabrielle N. (2018) ‘Increases in Depressive Symptoms, Suicide-Related Outcomes, and Suicide Rates Among U.S. Adolescents After 2010 and Links to Increased New Media Screen Time’. Clinical Psychological Science, 6(1), pp. 3–17.

1472 – Huang, Chiungjung (2017) ‘Time Spent on Social Network Sites and Psychological Well-Being: A Meta-Analysis’. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 20(6), pp. 346–354.

1473 – Huang, Chiungjung (2018) ‘Social network site use and academic achievement: A meta-analysis’. Computers & Education, 119, pp. 76–83.

1474 – Lenhart, A., Kahne, J., Middaugh, E., Macgill, A.R., et al. (2010) Teens, Video Games and Civics, Pew Research Center. [online] Available from: https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2008/09/16/teens-video-games-and-civics/ (Accessed 10 January 2020)

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1477 – Kildare, Cory A. and Middlemiss, Wendy (2017) ‘Impact of parents mobile device use on parent-child interaction: A literature review’. Computers in Human Behavior, 75, pp. 579–593.

1478 – Radesky, Jenny S., Kistin, Caroline J., Zuckerman, Barry, Nitzberg, Katie, et al. (2014) ‘Patterns of Mobile Device Use by Caregivers and Children During Meals in Fast Food Restaurants’. Pediatrics, 133(4), p. e843.

1479 – Kabali, Hilda K., Irigoyen, Matilde M., Nunez-Davis, Rosemary, Budacki, Jennifer G., et al. (2015) ‘Exposure and Use of Mobile Media Devices by Young Children’. Pediatrics, 136(6), pp. 1044–1050.

1480 – Antrilli, Nick K. and Wang, Su-hua (2018) ‘Toddlers on touchscreens: immediate effects of gaming and physical activity on cognitive flexibility of 2.5-year-olds in the US’. Journal of Children and Media, 12(4), pp. 496–513.

1481 – Powers, Kasey L., Brooks, Patricia J., Aldrich, Naomi J., Palladino, Melissa A. and Alfieri, Louis (2013) ‘Effects of video-game play on information processing: A meta-analytic investigation’. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 20(6), pp. 1055–1079.

1482 – Wang, Ping, Liu, Han-Hui, Zhu, Xing-Ting, Meng, Tian, et al. (2016) ‘Action Video Game Training for Healthy Adults: A Meta-Analytic Study’. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. [online] Available from: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00907/full (Accessed 10 January 2020)

1483 – Bediou, Benoit, Adams, Deanne, Mayer, Richard, Tipton, Elizabeth, et al. (2018) ‘Meta-Analysis of Action Video Game Impact on Perceptual, Attentional, and Cognitive Skills’. Psychological Bulletin, 144(1), pp. 77–110.

1484 – Adachi, Paul J. C. and Willoughby, Teena (2013) ‘Do Video Games Promote Positive Youth Development?’ Journal of Adolescent Research, 28(2), pp. 155–165.

1485 – Kovess-Masfety, Viviane, Keyes, Katherine, Hamilton, Ava, Hanson, Gregory, et al. (2016) ‘Is time spent playing video games associated with mental health, cognitive and social skills in young children?’ Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 51(3), pp. 349–357.

1486 – Jackson, Linda A., Witt, Edward A., Games, Alexander Ivan, Fitzgerald, Hiram E., et al. (2012) ‘Information technology use and creativity: Findings from the Children and Technology Project’. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(2), pp. 370–376.

1487 – Gentile, Douglas A., Anderson, Craig A., Yukawa, Shintaro, Ihori, Nobuko, et al. (2009) ‘The Effects of Prosocial Video Games on Prosocial Behaviors: International Evidence from Correlational, Longitudinal, and Experimental Studies’. Personality & social psychology bulletin, 35(6), pp. 752–763.

1488 – Saleem, Muniba, Anderson, Craig A. and Gentile, Douglas A. (2012) ‘Effects of Prosocial, Neutral, and Violent Video Games on Children’s Helpful and Hurtful Behaviors’. Aggressive Behavior, 38(4), pp. 281–287.

1489 – Cejudo, Javier, López-Delgado, Mari Luz and Losada, Lidia (2019) ‘Effectiveness of the videogame “Spock” for the improvement of the emotional intelligence on psychosocial adjustment in adolescents’. Computers in Human Behavior, 101, pp. 380–386.

1490 – Ewoldsen, David R., Eno, Cassie A., Okdie, Bradley M., Velez, John A., et al. (2012) ‘Effect of Playing Violent Video Games Cooperatively or Competitively on Subsequent Cooperative Behavior’. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 15(5), pp. 277–280.

1491 – Redd, William, Jacobsen, Paul, Die-Trill, Maria, Dermatis, Helen, et al. (1987) ‘Cognitive/Attentional Distraction in the Control of Conditioned Nausea in Pediatric Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy’. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 55(3), pp. 391–395.

1492 – Vasterling, Jennifer, Jenkins, Richard A., Tope, Denise Matt and Burish, Thomas G. (1993) ‘Cognitive distraction and relaxation training for the control of side effects due to cancer chemotherapy’. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 16(1), pp. 65–80.

1493 – Patel, Anuradha, Schieble, Thomas, Davidson, Melissa, Tran, Minh C. J., et al. (2006) ‘Distraction with a hand-held video game reduces pediatric preoperative anxiety’. Pediatric Anesthesia, 16(10), pp. 1019–1027.

1494 – Ferguson, Christopher J. (2015) ‘Clinicians’ attitudes toward video games vary as a function of age, gender and negative beliefs about youth: A sociology of media research approach’. Computers in Human Behavior, 52, pp. 379–386.

1495 – Quandt, Thorsten, Van Looy, Jan, Vogelgesang, Jens, Elson, Malte, et al. (2015) ‘Digital Games Research: A Survey Study on an Emerging Field and Its Prevalent Debates’. Journal of Communication, 65(6), pp. 975–996.

1496 – Tian, Yu, Gao, Mingjian, Wang, Peng and Gao, Fengqiang (2020) ‘The effects of violent video games and shyness on individuals’ aggressive behaviors’. Aggressive Behavior, 46(1), pp. 16–24.

1497 – Greitemeyer, Tobias (2019) ‘The contagious impact of playing violent video games on aggression: Longitudinal evidence’. Aggressive Behavior, 45(6), pp. 635–642.

1498 – Prescott, Anna T., Sargent, James D. and Hull, Jay G. (2018) ‘Metaanalysis of the relationship between violent video game play and physical aggression over time’. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(40), pp. 9882–9888.

1499 – Anderson, Craig A., Shibuya, Akiko, Ihori, Nobuko, Swing, Edward L., et al. (2010) ‘Violent video game effects on aggression, empathy, and prosocial behavior in Eastern and Western countries: A meta-analytic review’. Psychological Bulletin, 136(2), pp. 151–173.

1500 – Ferguson, Christopher J. and Olson, Cheryl K. (2014) ‘Video Game Violence Use Among “Vulnerable” Populations: The Impact of Violent Games on Delinquency and Bullying Among Children with Clinically Elevated Depression or Attention Deficit Symptoms’. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 43(1), pp. 127–136.

1501 – Ferguson, Christopher J. (2015) ‘Do Angry Birds Make for Angry Children? A Meta-Analysis of Video Game Influences on Children’s and Adolescents’ Aggression, Mental Health, Prosocial Behavior, and Academic Performance’. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 10(5), pp. 646–666.

1502 – Ferguson, Christopher J. and Wang, John C. K. (2019) ‘Aggressive Video Games are Not a Risk Factor for Future Aggression in Youth: A Longitudinal Study’. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48(8), pp. 1439–1451.

1503 – Kühn, Simone, Kugler, Dimitrij Tycho, Schmalen, Katharina, Weichenberger, Markus, et al. (2019) ‘Does playing violent video games cause aggression? A longitudinal intervention study’. Molecular Psychiatry, 24(8), pp. 1220–1234.

1504 – Przybylski, Andrew K. and Weinstein, Netta (2019) ‘Violent video game engagement is not associated with adolescents’ aggressive behaviour: evidence from a registered report’. Royal Society Open Science, 6(2), p. 171474.

1505 – Mathur, Maya B. and VanderWeele, Tyler J. (2019) ‘Finding Common Ground in Meta-Analysis “Wars” on Violent Video Games’. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 14(4), pp. 705–708.

1506 – Brunborg, Geir Scott, Mentzoni, Rune Aune and Frøyland, Lars Roar (2014) ‘Is video gaming, or video game addiction, associated with depression, academic achievement, heavy episodic drinking, or conduct problems?’ Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 3(1), pp. 27–32.

1507 – Lemmens, Jeroen S., Valkenburg, Patti M. and Peter, Jochen (2011) ‘Psychosocial causes and consequences of pathological gaming’. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(1), pp. 144–152.

1508 – Mentzoni, Rune Aune, Brunborg, Geir Scott, Molde, Helge, Myrseth, Helga, et al. (2011) ‘Problematic Video Game Use: Estimated Prevalence and Associations with Mental and Physical Health’. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 14(10), pp. 591–596.

1509 – Kuss, Daria Joanna and Griffiths, Mark D. (2012) ‘Internet Gaming Addiction: A Systematic Review of Empirical Research’. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 10(2), pp. 278–296.

1510 – Kuss, Daria, Griffiths, Mark, Karila, Laurent and Billieux, Joël (2014) ‘Internet Addiction: A Systematic Review of Epidemiological Research for the Last Decade.’ Current Pharmaceutical Design, 20, p. 4026.

1511 – Rooij, Antonius J. Van, Schoenmakers, Tim M., Vermulst, Ad A., Eijnden, Regina J. J. M. Van Den and Mheen, Dike Van De (2011) ‘Online video game addiction: identification of addicted adolescent gamers’. Addiction, 106(1), pp. 205–212.

1512 – Singh, Meharban (2019) ‘Compulsive Digital Gaming: An Emerging Mental Health Disorder in Children’. The Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 86(2), pp. 171–173.

1513 – Feng, Wendy, Ramo, Danielle, Chan, Steven and Bourgeois, James (2017) ‘Internet Gaming Disorder: Trends in Prevalence 1998–2016’. Addictive behaviors, 75, pp. 17–24.

1514 – Fam, Jia Yuin (2018) ‘Prevalence of internet gaming disorder in adolescents: A meta-analysis across three decades’. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 59(5), pp. 524–531.

1515 – Lau, Chloe, Stewart, Shannon L., Sarmiento, Catalina, Saklofske, Donald H. and Tremblay, Paul F. (2018) ‘Who Is at Risk for Problematic Video Gaming? Risk Factors in Problematic Video Gaming in Clinically Referred Canadian Children and Adolescents’. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 2(2), p. 19.

1516 – Yen, Ju-Yu, Yen, Cheng-Fang, Chen, Cheng-Sheng, Tang, Tze-Chun and Ko, Chih-Hung (2008) ‘The Association between Adult ADHD Symptoms and Internet Addiction among College Students: The Gender Difference’. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 12(2), pp. 187–191.

1517 – Gentile, Douglas, Swing, Edward, Lim, Choon and Khoo, Angeline (2012) ‘Video Game Playing, Attention Problems, and Impulsiveness: Evidence of Bidirectional Causality’. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 1(1), pp. 62–70.

1518 – Mehroof, Mehwash and Griffiths, Mark D. (2010) ‘Online Gaming Addiction: The Role of Sensation Seeking, Self-Control, Neuroticism, Aggression, State Anxiety, and Trait Anxiety’. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 13(3), pp. 313–316.

1519 – Kim, Eun Joo, Namkoong, Kee, Ku, Taeyun and Kim, Se Joo (2008) ‘The relationship between online game addiction and aggression, self-control and narcissistic personality traits’. European Psychiatry, 23(3), pp. 212–218.

1520 – Porter, Guy, Starcevic, Vladan, Berle, David and Fenech, Pauline (2010) ‘Recognizing problem video game use’. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 44(2), pp. 120–128.

1521 – Cole, Sadie H. and Hooley, Jill M. (2013) ‘Clinical and Personality Correlates of MMO Gaming: Anxiety and Absorption in Problematic Internet Use’. Social Science Computer Review, 31(4), pp. 424–436.

1522 – Guillot, Casey R., Bello, Mariel S., Tsai, Jennifer Y., Huh, Jimi, et al. (2016) ‘Longitudinal associations between anhedonia and internet-related addictive behaviors in emerging adults’. Computers in Human Behavior, 62, pp. 475–479.

1523 – Caplan, Scott, Williams, Dmitri and Yee, Nick (2009) ‘Problematic Internet use and psychosocial well-being among MMO players’. Computers in Human Behavior, 25(6), pp. 1312–1319.

1524 – Griffiths, Mark D., Rooij, Antonius J. van, Kardefelt‐Winther, Daniel, Starcevic, Vladan, et al. (2016) ‘Working towards an international consensus on criteria for assessing internet gaming disorder: a critical commentary on Petry et al. (2014)’. Addiction, 111(1), pp. 167–175.

1525 – Hellman, Matilda, Schoenmakers, Tim M., Nordstrom, Benjamin R. and Holst, Ruth J. van (2013) ‘Is there such a thing as online video game addiction? A cross-disciplinary review’. Addiction Research & Theory, 21(2), pp. 102–112.

1526 – APA, American Psychiatric (2013) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5®), American Psychiatric Pub.

1527 – Aarseth, Espen, Bean, Anthony M., Boonen, Huub, Colder Carras, Michelle, et al. (2016) ‘Scholars’ open debate paper on the World Health Organization ICD-11 Gaming Disorder proposal’. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 6(3), pp. 267–270.

1528 – van Rooij, Antonius J., Ferguson, Christopher J., Colder Carras, Michelle, Kardefelt-Winther, Daniel, et al. (2018) ‘A weak scientific basis for gaming disorder: Let us err on the side of caution’. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 7(1), pp. 1–9.

1529 – Zucker, Andrew A. and Light, Daniel (2009) ‘Laptop Programs for Students’. Science, 323(5910), pp. 82–85.

1530 – Herodotou, C. (2018) ‘Young children and tablets: A systematic review of effects on learning and development’. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 34(1), pp. 1–9.

1531 – Griffith, Shayl F., Hagan, Mary B., Heymann, Perrine, Heflin, Brynna H. and Bagner, Daniel M. (2020) ‘Apps As Learning Tools: A Systematic Review’. Pediatrics, 145(1). [online] Available from: https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/145/1/e20191579 (Accessed 13 January 2020)

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1533 – Sitzmann, Traci (2011) ‘A Meta-Analytic Examination of the Instructional Effectiveness of Computer-Based Simulation Games’. Personnel Psychology, 64(2), pp. 489–528.

1534 – Vogel, Jennifer J., Vogel, David S., Cannon-Bowers, Jan, Bowers, Clint A., et al. (2006) ‘Computer Gaming and Interactive Simulations for Learning: A Meta-Analysis’. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 34(3), pp. 229–243.

1535 – Wouters, Pieter, van Nimwegen, Christof, van Oostendorp, Herre and van der Spek, Erik D. (2013) ‘A meta-analysis of the cognitive and motivational effects of serious games’. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105(2), pp. 249–265.

1536 – Clark, Douglas B., Tanner-Smith, Emily E. and Killingsworth, Stephen S. (2016) ‘Digital Games, Design, and Learning: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis’. Review of Educational Research, 86(1), pp. 79–122.

1537 – de Freitas, Sara (2018) ‘Are Games Effective Learning Tools? A Review of Educational Games’. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 21(2), pp. 74–84.

1538 – Sung, Yao-Ting, Chang, Kuo-En and Liu, Tzu-Chien (2016) ‘The effects of integrating mobile devices with teaching and learning on students’ learning performance: A meta-analysis and research synthesis’. Computers & Education, 94, pp. 252–275.

1539 – Baert, Veerle, Gorus, Ellen, Mets, Tony, Geerts, Christel and Bautmans, Ivan (2011) ‘Motivators and barriers for physical activity in the oldest old: A systematic review’. Ageing Research Reviews, 10(4), pp. 464–474.

1540 – McGuire, Amanda M., Anderson, Debra J. and Fulbrook, Paul (2014) ‘Perceived barriers to healthy lifestyle activities in midlife and older Australian women with type 2 diabetes’. Collegian, 21(4), pp. 301–310.

1541 – Johnson, Daniel, Deterding, Sebastian, Kuhn, Kerri-Ann, Staneva, Aleksandra, et al. (2016) ‘Gamification for health and wellbeing: A systematic review of the literature’. Internet Interventions, 6, pp. 89–106.

1542 – Gao, Z., Chen, S., Pasco, D. and Pope, Z. (2015) ‘A meta-analysis of active video games on health outcomes among children and adolescents’. Obesity Reviews, 16(9), pp. 783–794.

1543 – DeSmet, Ann, Van Ryckeghem, Dimitri, Compernolle, Sofie, Baranowski, Tom, et al. (2014) ‘A meta-analysis of serious digital games for healthy lifestyle promotion’. Preventive Medicine, 69, pp. 95–107.

1544 – Kato, Pamela M. (2010) ‘Video Games in Health Care: Closing the Gap’. Review of General Psychology, 14(2), pp. 113–121.

1545 – Fleming, Theresa M., Bavin, Lynda, Stasiak, Karolina, Hermansson-Webb, Eve, et al. (2017) ‘Serious Games and Gamification for Mental Health: Current Status and Promising Directions’. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 7. [online] Available from: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2016.00215/full (Accessed 13 January 2020)

1546 – Lau, Ho Ming, Smit, Johannes H., Fleming, Theresa M. and Riper, Heleen (2017) ‘Serious Games for Mental Health: Are They Accessible, Feasible, and Effective? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis’. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 7. [online] Available from: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2016.00209/full (Accessed 13 January 2020)

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1550 – Hardell, L., Mild, K. H. and Hallquist, A. (2000) ‘Mobile telephones and the risk of brain tumor–the principle of precaution should be practiced’. Lakartidningen, 97(36), pp. 3908–3909.

1551 – Hardell, Lennart, Carlberg, Michael and Mild, Kjell Hansson (2005) ‘Case-Control Study on Cellular and Cordless Telephones and the Risk for Acoustic Neuroma or Meningioma in Patients Diagnosed 2000–2003’. Neuroepidemiology, 25(3), pp. 120–128.

1552 – Hardell, L., Carlberg, M. and Mild, K. Hansson (2005) ‘Use of cellular telephones and brain tumour risk in urban and rural areas’. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 62(6), pp. 390–394.

1553 – Hardell, Lennart, Carlberg, Michael and Hansson Mild, Kjell (2006) ‘Pooled analysis of two case-control studies on the use of cellular and cordless telephones and the risk of benign brain tumours diagnosed during 1997-2003’. International Journal of Oncology, 28(2), pp. 509–518.

1554 – Hardell, Lennart, Carlberg, Michael and Mild, Kjell Hansson (2006) ‘Case–control study of the association between the use of cellular and cordless telephones and malignant brain tumors diagnosed during 2000–2003’. Environmental Research, 100(2), pp. 232–241.

1555 – Hardell, L., Mild, K. H. and Carlberg, M. (2002) ‘Case-control study on the use of cellular and cordless phones and the risk for malignant brain tumours’. International Journal of Radiation Biology, 78(10), pp. 931–936.

1556 – Hardell, Lennart, Carlberg, Michael, Söderqvist, Fredrik, Mild, Kjell Hansson and Morgan, L. Lloyd (2007) ‘Long-term use of cellular phones and brain tumours: increased risk associated with use for ⩾10 years’. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 64(9), pp. 626–632.

1557 – Leitgeb, Norbert (2011) ‘Comparative health risk assessment of electromagnetic fields’. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift, 161(9), pp. 251–262.

1558 – Kan, Peter, Simonsen, Sara E., Lyon, Joseph L. and Kestle, John R. W. (2008) ‘Cellular phone use and brain tumor: a meta-analysis’. Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 86(1), pp. 71–78.

1559 – Khurana, Vini G., Teo, Charles, Kundi, Michael, Hardell, Lennart and Carlberg, Michael (2009) ‘Cell phones and brain tumors: a review including the long-term epidemiologic data’. Surgical Neurology, 72(3), pp. 205–214.

1560 – INTERPHONE Study Group (2010) ‘Brain tumour risk in relation to mobile telephone use: results of the INTERPHONE international case–control study’. International Journal of Epidemiology, 39(3), pp. 675–694.

1561 – Lönn, Stefan, Ahlbom, Anders, Hall, Per and Feychting, Maria (2004) ‘Mobile Phone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma’. Epidemiology, 15(6), p. 653.

1562 – Schoemaker, M. J., Swerdlow, A. J., Ahlbom, A., Auvinen, A., et al. (2005) ‘Mobile phone use and risk of acoustic neuroma: results of the Interphone case–control study in five North European countries’. British Journal of Cancer, 93(7), pp. 842–848.

1563 – Hours, M., Bernard, M., Montestrucq, L., Arslan, M., et al. (2007) ‘Cell Phones and Risk of brain and acoustic nerve tumours: the French INTERPHONE case-control study’. Revue D’epidemiologie Et De Sante Publique, 55(5), pp. 321–332.

1564 – Schüz, Joachim, Böhler, Eva, Berg, Gabriele, Schlehofer, Brigitte, et al. (2006) ‘Cellular Phones, Cordless Phones, and the Risks of Glioma and Meningioma (Interphone Study Group, Germany)’. American Journal of Epidemiology, 163(6), pp. 512–520.

1565 – Sadetzki, Siegal, Chetrit, Angela, Jarus-Hakak, Avital, Cardis, Elisabeth, et al. (2008) ‘Cellular Phone Use and Risk of Benign and Malignant Parotid Gland Tumors—A Nationwide Case-Control Study’. American Journal of Epidemiology, 167(4), pp. 457–467.

1566 – Cardis, E., Armstrong, B. K., Bowman, J. D., Giles, G. G., et al. (2011) ‘Risk of brain tumours in relation to estimated RF dose from mobile phones: results from five Interphone countries’. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 68(9), pp. 631–640.

1567 – Lahkola, Anna, Auvinen, Anssi, Raitanen, Jani, Schoemaker, Minouk J., et al. (2007) ‘Mobile phone use and risk of glioma in 5 North European countries’. International Journal of Cancer, 120(8), pp. 1769–1775.

1568 – Myung, Seung-Kwon, Ju, Woong, McDonnell, Diana D., Lee, Yeon Ji, et al. (2009) ‘Mobile Phone Use and Risk of Tumors: A Meta-Analysis’. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 27(33), pp. 5565–5572.

1569 – Sato, Yasuto, Akiba, Suminori, Kubo, Osami and Yamaguchi, Naohito (2011) ‘A case–case study of mobile phone use and acoustic neuroma risk in Japan’. Bioelectromagnetics, 32(2), pp. 85–93.

1570 – Hardell, Lennart, Carlberg, Michael and Hansson Mild, Kjell (2011) ‘Re-analysis of risk for glioma in relation to mobile telephone use: comparison with the results of the Interphone international case-control study’. International Journal of Epidemiology, 40(4), pp. 1126–1128.

1571 – INTERPHONE Study Group (2011) ‘Acoustic neuroma risk in relation to mobile telephone use: results of the INTERPHONE international case-control study’. Cancer Epidemiology, 35(5), pp. 453–464.

1572 – Berg, Gabriele, Spallek, Jacob, Schüz, Joachim, Schlehofer, Brigitte, et al. (2006) ‘Occupational Exposure to Radio Frequency/Microwave Radiation and the Risk of Brain Tumors: Interphone Study Group, Germany’. American Journal of Epidemiology, 164(6), pp. 538–548.

1573 – IARC Working Group on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans (2002) ‘Non-ionizing radiation, Part 1: static and extremely low-frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields.’ IARC monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans, 80, pp. 1–395.

1574 – Baan, Robert, Grosse, Yann, Lauby-Secretan, Béatrice, Ghissassi, Fatiha El, et al. (2011) ‘Carcinogenicity of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields’. The Lancet Oncology, 12(7), pp. 624–626.

1575 – Hankin, Norbert N. (2003) ‘Comment on: Non-ionizing radiation, Part 1: Static and extremely low-frequency electric and magnetic fields, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) Monograph (Vol. 80), 2002’. Health Physics, 84(6), p. 788.

1576 – Lönn, Stefan, Ahlbom, Anders, Christensen, Helle C., Johansen, Christoffer, et al. (2006) ‘Mobile Phone Use and Risk of Parotid Gland Tumor’. American Journal of Epidemiology, 164(7), pp. 637–643.

1577 – Cook, A., Woodward, A., Pearce, N. and Marshall, C. (2003) ‘Cellular telephone use and time trends for brain, head and neck tumours.’ The New Zealand medical journal, 116(1175), pp. U457–U457.

1578 – Muscat, J. E. (2002) ‘Wireless Phone Use and the Risk of Primary Brain Cancer’, in Carlo, G. L., Carlo, G. L., and Thibodeau, P. M. (eds.), Wireless Phones And Health II: State of the Science, Boston, MA, Springer US, pp. 207–213. [online] Available from: https://doi.org/10.1007/0-306-46901-4_21 (Accessed 24 September 2019)

1579 – Johansen, Christoffer, Boice, John D., McLaughlin, Joseph K. and Olsen, Jørgen H. (2001) ‘Cellular Telephones and Cancer—a Nationwide Cohort Study in Denmark’. JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 93(3), pp. 203–207.

1580 – Inskip, Peter D., Tarone, Robert E., Hatch, Elizabeth E., Wilcosky, Timothy C., et al. (2001) ‘Cellular-Telephone Use and Brain Tumors’. New England Journal of Medicine, 344(2), pp. 79–86.

1581 – Auvinen, Anssi, Hietanen, Maila, Luukkonen, Ritva and Koskela, Riitta-Sisko (2002) ‘Brain Tumors and Salivary Gland Cancers Among Cellular Telephone Users’. Epidemiology, 13(3), p. 356.

1582 – Masuda, H., Sanchez, S., Dulou, P. E., Haro, E., et al. (2006) ‘Effect of GSM-900 and -1800 signals on the skin of hairless rats. I: 2-hour acute exposures’. International Journal of Radiation Biology, 82(9), pp. 669–674.

1583 – Dasdag, Suleyman, Akdag, M. Zulkuf, Ulukaya, Engin, Uzunlar, Ali Kemal and Ocak, Ali Riza (2009) ‘Effect of Mobile Phone Exposure on Apoptotic Glial Cells and Status of Oxidative Stress in Rat Brain’. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 28(4), pp. 342–354.

1584 – Demirel, Soner, Doganay, Selim, Turkoz, Yusuf, Dogan, Zümrüt, et al. (2012) ‘Effects of third generation mobile phone-emitted electromagnetic radiation on oxidative stress parameters in eye tissue and blood of rats’. Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology, 31(2), pp. 89–94.

1585 – Khalil, Ahmad M., Khadra, Khalid M. Abu, Aljaberi, Ahmad M., Gagaa, Marwan H. and Issa, Hamzah S. (2014) ‘Assessment of oxidant/antioxidant status in saliva of cell phone users’. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 33(2), pp. 92–97.

1586 – Lönn, Stefan, Ahlbom, Anders, Hall, Per and Feychting, Maria (2005) ‘Long-Term Mobile Phone Use and Brain Tumor Risk’. American Journal of Epidemiology, 161(6), pp. 526–535.

1587 – Swerdlow, Anthony J., Argos, Maria, Green, Adele C., Kheifets, Leeka, et al. (2011) ‘Mobile Phones, Brain Tumors, and the Interphone Study: Where Are We Now?’ Environmental Health Perspectives, 119(11), pp. 1534–1538.

1588 – Schüz, Joachim, Steding-Jessen, Marianne, Hansen, Søren, Stangerup, Sven-Eric, et al. (2011) ‘Long-Term Mobile Phone Use and the Risk of Vestibular Schwannoma: A Danish Nationwide Cohort Study’. American Journal of Epidemiology, 174(4), pp. 416–422.

1589 – Johansen, C. and Olsen, J. H. (1998) ‘Risk of cancer among Danish utility workers–a nationwide cohort study’. American Journal of Epidemiology, 147(6), pp. 548–555.

1590 – Johansen, Christoffer, Raaschou Nielsen, Ole, Olsen, Jørgen H. and Schüz, Joachim (2007) ‘Risk for leukaemia and brain and breast cancer among Danish utility workers: a second follow-up’. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 64(11), pp. 782–784.

1591 – Juutilainen, Jukka, Heikkinen, Päivi, Lagroye, Isabelle, Miyakoshi, Junji, et al. (2011) ‘Experimental Studies on Carcinogenicity of Radiofrequency Radiation in Animals’. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 41(18), pp. 1664–1695.

1592 – Moulder, J. E., Foster, K. R., Erdreich, L. S. and McNamee, J. P. (2005) ‘Mobile phones, mobile phone base stations and cancer: a review’. International Journal of Radiation Biology, 81(3), pp. 189–203.

1593 – Houston, B. J., Nixon, B., King, B. V., Iuliis, G. N. De and Aitken, R. J. (2016) ‘The effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation on sperm function’. Reproduction, 152(6), pp. R263–R276.

1594 – Kokate, P. A., Mishra, A. K., Lokhande, S. K. and Bodhe, G. L. (2016) ‘Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field (ELF-EMF) and childhood leukemia near transmission lines: a review’. Advanced Electromagnetics, 5(1), pp. 30–40.

1595 – ICNIRP (1998) ‘Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields (up to 300GHz)’. Health Physics, 74, pp. 494–522.

1596 – ICNIRP (2009) ‘ICNIRP Statement on the Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Time-Varying Electric, Magnetic, and Electromagnetic Fields (up to 300 GHz)’. Health Physics, 97(3), p. 257.

1597 – WHO (2007) Electromagnetic fields and public health,

1598 – ICNIRP (2020) ‘Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (100 kHz to 300 GHz)’. Health Physics, 118(5), pp. 483–524.

1599 – Morgan, L. Lloyd, Miller, Anthony B., Sasco, Annie and Davis, Devra Lee (2015) ‘Mobile phone radiation causes brain tumors and should be classified as a probable human carcinogen (2A) (Review)’. International Journal of Oncology, 46(5), pp. 1865–1871.

1600 – Coureau, Gaëlle, Bouvier, Ghislaine, Lebailly, Pierre, Fabbro-Peray, Pascale, et al. (2014) ‘Mobile phone use and brain tumours in the CERENAT case-control study’. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 71(7), pp. 514–522.

1601 – Leng, Lige (2016) ‘The relationship between mobile phone use and risk of brain tumor: a systematic review and meta-analysis of trails in the last decade’. Chinese Neurosurgical Journal, 2(1), p. 38.

1602 – Falcioni, L., Bua, L., Tibaldi, E., Lauriola, M., et al. (2018) ‘Report of final results regarding brain and heart tumors in Sprague-Dawley rats exposed from prenatal life until natural death to mobile phone radiofrequency field representative of a 1.8 GHz GSM base station environmental emission’. Environmental Research, 165, pp. 496–503.

1603 – Philips, Alasdair, Henshaw, Denis L., Lamburn, Graham and O’Carroll, Michael J. (2018) ‘Brain Tumours: Rise in Glioblastoma Multiforme Incidence in England 1995–2015 Suggests an Adverse Environmental or Lifestyle Factor’. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. [online] Available from: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jeph/2018/7910754/ (Accessed 2 October 2019)

1604 – Morgan, L. Lloyd, Herberman, Ronald B., Philips, Alasdair and Lee Davis, Devra (2012) ‘Re: Mobile Phone Use and Brain Tumors in Children and Adolescents: A Multicenter Case–Control Study’. JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 104(8), pp. 635–637.

1605 – Milham, Samuel (2012) ‘Re: Mobile Phone Use and Brain Tumors in Children and Adolescents’. JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 104(8), pp. 635–635.

1606 – Liu, Yu-xiao, Li, Guo-qing, Fu, Xiang-ping, Xue, Jing-hui, et al. (2015) ‘Exposure to 3G mobile phone signals does not affect the biological features of brain tumor cells’. BMC Public Health, 15(1), p. 764.

1607 – Röösli, Martin, Lagorio, Susanna, Schoemaker, Minouk J., Schüz, Joachim and Feychting, Maria (2019) ‘Brain and Salivary Gland Tumors and Mobile Phone Use: Evaluating the Evidence from Various Epidemiological Study Designs’. Annual Review of Public Health, 40(1), pp. 221–238.

1608 – Shrestha, Mithila, Raitanen, Jani, Salminen, Tiina, Lahkola, Anna and Auvinen, Anssi (2015) ‘Pituitary tumor risk in relation to mobile phone use: A case-control study’. Acta Oncologica, 54(8), pp. 1159–1165.

1609 – Sato, Yasuto, Kojimahara, Noriko and Yamaguchi, Naohito (2017) ‘Analysis of mobile phone use among young patients with brain tumors in Japan’. Bioelectromagnetics, 38(5), pp. 349–355.

1610 – Vila, Javier, Turner, Michelle C., Gracia-Lavedan, Esther, Figuerola, Jordi, et al. (2018) ‘Occupational exposure to high-frequency electromagnetic fields and brain tumor risk in the INTEROCC study: An individualized assessment approach’. Environment International, 119, pp. 353–365.

1611 – Smeds, H., Wales, J., Mathiesen, T., Talbäck, M. and Feychting, M. (2018) ‘Occurrence of primary brain tumors in cochlear implant patients in Sweden between 1989 and 2014.’ Clinical epidemiology, 10, pp. 1401–1405.

1612 – Olsson, Ann, Bouaoun, Liacine, Auvinen, Anssi, Feychting, Maria, et al. (2019) ‘Survival of glioma patients in relation to mobile phone use in Denmark, Finland and Sweden’. Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 141(1), pp. 139–149.

1613 – Carlberg, Michael, Söderqvist, Fredrik, Hansson Mild, Kjell and Hardell, Lennart (2013) ‘Meningioma patients diagnosed 2007-2009 and the association with use of mobile and cordless phones: a case-control study’. Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source, 12(1), p. 60.

1614 – Larjavaara, S., Feychting, M., Sankila, R., Johansen, C., et al. (2011) ‘Incidence trends of vestibular schwannomas in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden in 1987–2007’. British Journal of Cancer, 105(7), pp. 1069–1075.

1615 – Aydin, Denis, Feychting, Maria, Schüz, Joachim, Tynes, Tore, et al. (2011) ‘Mobile Phone Use and Brain Tumors in Children and Adolescents: A Multicenter Case–Control Study’. JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 103(16), pp. 1264–1276.

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1618 – Kaplan, Suleyman, Deniz, Omur Gulsum, Önger, Mehmet Emin, Türkmen, Aysın Pınar, et al. (2016) ‘Electromagnetic field and brain development’. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, 75, pp. 52–61.

1619 – Gandhi, Om P., Kang, Gang, Wu, Ding and Lazzi, Gianluca (2001) ‘Currents induced in anatomic models of the human for uniform and nonuniform power frequency magnetic fields’. Bioelectromagnetics, 22(2), pp. 112–121.

1620 – Christ, Andreas, Gosselin, Marie-Christine, Christopoulou, Maria, Kühn, Sven and Kuster, Niels (2010) ‘Age-dependent tissue-specific exposure of cell phone users’. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 55(7), pp. 1767–1783.

1621 – Grigoriev, Yury (2010) ‘Electromagnetic fields and the public: EMF standards and estimation of risk’. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 10, p. 012003.

1622 – Markov, M. and Grigoriev, Y. (2015) ‘Protect children from EMF’. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 34(3), pp. 251–256.

1623 – Markov, Marko and Grigoriev, Yuri G. (2013) ‘Wi-Fi technology – an uncontrolled global experiment on the health of mankind’. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 32(2), pp. 200–208.

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