Rwanda: Assassins Without Borders

Kagame regime investigation

Michela Wrong

24,90 €
Michela Wrong details the story of Patrick Karegeya, once Rwanda's foreign intelligence chief, to paint a portrait of a modern African dictatorship created in the chilling image of its president, Paul Kagame. This audacious tale, acclaimed by the Anglo-Saxon media, drawn from the direct testimonies of key participants, tears the official script, according to which an idealistic group of young rebels would have overthrown the genocidal regime of Kigali, ushering in an era of peace, prosperity and stability, to make Rwanda the cherished country of Western donors.
As the author reveals in great detail, Rwanda's history has gone off the rails. The rebel group may have started the genocide it claims to have ended. It was also taken over by the most ruthless and coldest of all, Paul Kagame, who made revenge the signature of his reign. The new master of Rwanda thus pursues his former comrades in arms to the end of the world to reduce them to silence.
The author

Michela Wrong, an English journalist, has been writing about Africa for thirty years. She worked for Reuters and the Financial Times for which she covered Rwanda during the genocide in 1994. She wrote four books ("It's our turn your eat", "I didn't do it for you", "In the footsteps of Mr Kurtz” and “Borderlines”) and received the 2010 James Cameron Award for Professional Integrity.

pages | ISBN: 9782315010578