Young people of all ages unite

89 proposals for 2012

Maxime Verner

18,00 €
Youth is not just an age category, but a state of mind and a way of life. However, today, politicians do not take young people seriously enough and society excludes them: one in five young people lives below the poverty line. Faced with this observation and the challenges of the upcoming presidential elections, the author formulates a real social project, sometimes pragmatic, sometimes daring. Through 89 proposals, it addresses concrete and essential themes: promoting access to autonomy and independence, strengthening the right to guidance and training at any age, supporting access to the first sustainable job , restore generational solidarity, develop the possibilities of innovation... A real social contract between youth and the Republic.
The author

Maxime Vener, an associative activist since 2002, is the initiator of a bill aimed at eligibility at 18 for all elections. He chairs the association Jeunes de France. Candidate in the presidential election of 2012, he was the youngest candidate in the municipal and cantonal elections of March 2008, in Bron (Rhône).

220 pages | ISBN: 9782315002832