Understanding Peguy

Marie Boeswillwald, Claire Daudin

14,00 €
For some, Péguy is “an anarchist who put holy water in his oil”; for others, a dangerous rebellious whose “head is revolution”. Socialist and Catholic, pious poet and unleashed polemicist, Péguy turns out to be a man with a sometimes chaotic career, always leaping. Few authors have had such a controversial posterity as he. One hundred years after his death, it is time to do justice to this unclassifiable thinker, misunderstood in his time, and who has so much to say in ours. Yves Rouvière's drawings are there to give substance to words, “to embody the spiritual”, according to one of the intuitions dear to Péguy.
The author

Born in 1988, Marie Boeswillwald embodies the young generation of Péguyst researchers. Normalian and author of several books, Claire Daudin is currently in charge of the re-edition at Gallimard of the Poetic and Dramatic Works of Péguy in the “Bibliothèque de la Pléiade” collection. She has also been president of the Friendship Charles Péguy since 2010. Yves Rouvière is an illustrator. He collaborated on Marx and Capital (2011), Freud (2011), Sade (2012), Lacan (2013) and Hitler (2013), all published by Éditions Max Milo.

144 pages | ISBN: 9782315004799