The virtuosos of the body
Survey of exceptional beings
Stéphane Héas
Contortionists, yogis, snorkelers, imitators, mimes, tightrope walkers, ventriloquists, noses, oenologists, beat boxers, artistic karatekas, urban acrobats, fakirs... What do we know about these beings capable of bodily feats beyond us, expressions of an astonishing human variety? What are the human limits? The author conducted the investigation: what secret reasons lead them to climb skyscrapers with their bare hands, to memorize hundreds of scents to create perfumes? How do they experience their prowess on a daily basis? Through thirty unforgettable encounters, the author goes beyond the myth and the fascination created by cinema or the Guinness Book. It reveals the work and the recipes of these experts, their common values, the singularities of the approaches, the pride and the setbacks of celebrity.
The author
256 pages | ISBN: 9782353410965