Sex cheater: The Abbé de Choizy

A passion for transvestism in the Grand Siècle

Hervé Castanet

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"[...] when I found myself at balls and comedies, with beautiful dressing gowns, diamonds and flies, and when I heard people say softly beside me: 'Here is a beautiful person “I tasted in myself a pleasure that cannot be compared to anything, so great is it.” (Abbé de Choisy) François-Timoléon de Choisy (1644-1724) lived at the Court of Louis XIV. Friend of princes, he wrote more than eight thousand pages devoted to the lives of saints and ecclesiastics. He was a member of the French Academy. In what capacity is it a reference, regarding perversion, Jacques Lacan and psychoanalysis? The Abbé de Choisy is known to have dressed all his life as a woman. He went from men's clothes to women's outfits - and vice versa. He was a woman by eclipses. He was a man in the same way. Thus adorned, he strove to seduce young and pretty women - never men; he will even have a daughter of his tumultuous loves. What do these cross-dressing practices teach us? What logic is there? What is the link with writing? In what and how does psychoanalysis act as a compass to orient oneself in the fantasy that sustains this desire to make The Woman?
The author

Hervé Castanet, university professor, is a member of the School of the Freudian Cause. He is a psychoanalyst in Marseille. He has published fifteen books, particularly on the clinic of psychoses and the links between literature, art and psychoanalysis.

160 pages | ISBN: 9782353410859