enemy strength
John Antoine Nau
The First Goncourt Prize (1903) In 1903, a few writers, and what writers! JK Huysmans, Octave Mirbeau, Léon Daudet, award this novel the first of the Goncourt prizes. Perhaps it was one of the best novels of the entire century. By its visionary force, its violent lyricism and its revolutionary style, Force ennemie has its inalienable place alongside Diary of a Madman by Gogol, The Master and Margarita, Bulgakov, Journey to the End of the Night, by Céline. A man is locked up in an insane asylum. Is he mad? Or are it the "alienists" who should be put in his place? He believes he is inhabited by a spirit from another planet and falls passionately, madly, desperately in love with a woman, Irene, interned like him in the same establishment. He runs away, she leaves the asylum, disappears... He runs to the end of the world to find her... Sometimes ferociously comical, alternating darkness and mad love, here is a masterpiece absolute.
The author
332 pages | ISBN: 9782914388020