Understanding Jacques-Alain Miller
Hervé Castanet, Susanne Strassmann
Jacques-Alain Miller, born in 1944, is a psychoanalyst. At the age of twenty, at the École Normale Supérieure, he met Jacques Lacan who reinvented psychoanalysis. Since then, he has commented on it, established his Seminar and drawn conclusions from it like no other of his contemporaries. Man of action, J.-A. Miller created the World Association of Psychoanalysis to promote psychoanalysis; he leads the fight to defend it. His Course at the University of Paris VIII, L'orientation lacanienne, is authoritative but the general public is unfamiliar with it. This clear and well-argued book remedies this and demonstrates how psychoanalysis in the 21st century involves three names: Freud/Lacan/Miller, now inseparably linked.
The author
216 pages | ISBN: 9782315006502