Understanding Hitler and the Germans

François Roux, Yves Rouvière

12,00 €
The internal logic of the Nazi movement and of the Third Reich merges with that of Hitler: one cannot apprehend one without first having looked at the other. How a poorly educated, poorly cultured individual, whose life until the age of 30 had been a series of failures, managed to impose his will on a great modern country before dragging it into a unique military and moral catastrophe in history ? The answer to this question calls for another: can what happened in Germany happen again? François Roux studies the behavior of individuals, groups and societies in situations of extreme constraint. He published The Great Unknown War (Éditions de Paris/Max Chaleil, 2006) and Would you have cried “Heil Hitler”? (Max Milo, 2011). Yves Rouvière collaborated on Marx and Capital (Max Milo, 2011), Freud (Max Milo, 2011), Sade (Max Milo, 2012), Lacan (Max Milo, 2013), Anarchism (Max Milo, 2013).
The author

François Roux studies the behavior of individuals, groups and societies in situations of extreme constraint. He published The Great Unknown War (Éditions de Paris/Max Chaleil, 2006) and Would you have cried “Heil Hitler”? (Max Milo, 2011). Yves Rouvière collaborated on Marx and Capital (Max Milo, 2011), Freud (Max Milo, 2011), Sade (Max Milo, 2012), Lacan (Max Milo, 2013), Anarchism (Max Milo, 2013).

128 pages | ISBN: 9782315003969