The Illegal Power of Elites

Thierry Brugvin

18,00 €
“If the people of this nation understood our banking and monetary system, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. » Henry Ford Our contemporary and liberal democracies have gradually given way to democratic, chaotic and illegal governance. By exploiting the flaws in our system to their advantage, the ruling class secures supreme power for itself, while the citizens sacrifice themselves ever more. What is the extent of illegal elite power? And what to do to change things? In this book, Thierry Brugvin provides valuable material for any citizen concerned with the preservation of the rule of law. He conducts a damning investigation into our contemporary democracies in order to denounce their workings, while proposing ways of modernizing in the direction of a better distribution of wealth.
The author

Thierry Brugvin is a doctor in sociology (EHESS) and teacher-researcher at the University of Besançon. He is a specialist in the sociology of elites.

240 pages | ISBN: 9782315004652