Elected Offenses
400 politicians struggling with justice
Philippe Pascot
“If the vigilant presence of the citizens does not make itself felt, the elected officials are abandoned to their own weakness and soon give in, either to the temptations of arbitrariness, or to routine and acquired rights. Pierre Mendès France Elected officials placed under investigation and/or in police custody, remanded in custody, convicted of influence peddling, involved in sex scandals, for having rigged public contracts or confusing their bank account with that of the community they administer... This book lists the criminal acts of more than 400 politicians and demonstrates that no party escapes the excesses and/or temptations offered by access to power and public money. In this uncompromising and unbiased investigation, the authors point out that the best ally of convicted or indicted elected officials is the voters' ignorance and/or their ability to forget. Their purpose is therefore to remind them of the facts and to remind elected officials that if their mandate gives them “great power”, it imposes on them in return “great responsibilities” and, first and foremost, probity.
The author
448 pages | ISBN: 9782315004935