Inside the head of an Asperger
René Maurice Dereumaux
“I have the impression of living differently from the other. Of the image of being different that he sends back to me. That I feel with force... With force... I imagine this other living in a kind of dream, evolving in a foreign language. If he lives in a dream, I'm inhabited by a drama. The same letters, a little messed up, and because of this anagram, you switch to a totally different environment. Incomprehensible, funny, nightmarish…” In 2016, at the age of 57, René Maurice Dereumaux was diagnosed with Asperger's type autism. Benefiting from a giftedness revealed simultaneously, the author had to carry this handicap all his life without knowing it. In this rare and precious document, he tells us how this syndrome has inhabited him body and soul since his earliest childhood. With originality and quirky humour, he takes us inside his head, revealing his deepest thoughts, his love for letters, words, numbers. His obsession with cars...
The author
128 pages | ISBN: 9782315008704